Higher cpu for apps and emulators


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
We all know that the cpu and opp level drains the battery fast.

Most apps runs fine at 500mhz but browsers need to to be overclocked at 800mhz inc. firefox and emulators n64 and saturn need to you higher opp level, would say level 5,n64 need to run on clockspeed on 1000mhz and saturn 1030mhz,how can we use opp level 3 when these emulators require higher clockspeed.

I think it's good to use 500mhz for cpu setting and opp3 as ed said,but in some apps and emulators we have to use higher clockspeed,what can be done about this.
What Mr Rob says sounds like the best method, or you could create a few custom cpu speed hotkeys based off of Plengs OC PND (iirc), which

puts a number of entries into the system menu and into usr/share/applications, which you then right click on, copy the launcher command and assign a hotkey to it in the keyboard shortcuts 'keyboard' section of the menu, by pasting that command in and choosing your key combo.

So for example I can hit ctrl-alt-8 to set 800mhz (or ctrl-alt-0 for 1000mhz), ctrl-alt-N to play mupen, then hit ctrl-alt-5 on the desktop to return to 500mhz when I quit playing.
Well, I've got my system setup to always run at 750 MHz with no issues.

Unless you use a program that fully uses the CPU, the battery won't drain faster.

If you want a certain app to overclock, simply put a file names cpuspeed into it's appdata folder. Inside this file the only thing that needs to be in there is the number of the needed MHz (without MHz).

So, for example, to clock to 1000 MHz for N64, put a file named cpuspeed into the appdata of the emulator with "1000" in it.
how do you make ovr files.

I just checked in minimenu,i can't see any ovr option.

Just highlight an entry in Minimenu, and hit the space button. That'll bring up a menu on the right where you can do all sorts of things, including setting the CPU speed for launch.
Well, I've got my system setup to always run at 750 MHz with no issues.

Unless you use a program that fully uses the CPU, the battery won't drain faster.

If you want a certain app to overclock, simply put a file names cpuspeed into it's appdata folder. Inside this file the only thing that needs to be in there is the number of the needed MHz (without MHz).

So, for example, to clock to 1000 MHz for N64, put a file named cpuspeed into the appdata of the emulator with "1000" in it.
When you mean system setting to 750mhz,do you mean setting the cpu at this speed.

Cpu speed is already in the mupen emulator,when you click mupen64plus then there is file called cpu speed and click on that it says 800,if you go into minimenu it says mupen64plus config 1000mhz already,should i change that lower clockspeed.

So in appdata it's 800 and in minimenu it's 1000,so on default it's 800mhz not 1000mhz.
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I got 11 hours of battery life,wow that's really impressive.

Only problem was my unit switched off at 30% of battery percentage,so it's not showing the correct battery percentage,that's looks like some kind of bug.

You can't play n64 emulator if your opp level 3 that can only set maximum cpu of 800mhz,so that's problem,so need to go opp level 4 to go upto 1000mhz cpu speed-is this correct.

When battery ran out and put my charger to charge the system started normally then in slot 2 card became corrupted and now i have lost all of my emulators,this is great now left with nothing,what happened there everything is gone,when i put into sd mass storage it won't mount anymore and when i'm trying to open any emulators it won't open anymore just opens with notepad saying png image.
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I got 11 hours of battery life,wow that's really impressive.

Only problem was my unit switched off at 30% of battery percentage,so it's not showing the correct battery percentage,that's looks like some kind of bug.

Battery percentage numbers are always an estimate. In other news, I remember threads where the battery wasn't in the device tight; jostling would result in a abrupt shutdown.

You can't play n64 emulator if your opp level 3 that can only set maximum cpu of 800mhz,so that's problem,so need to go opp level 4 to go upto 1000mhz cpu speed-is this correct.

When battery ran out and put my charger to charge the system started normally then in slot 2 card became corrupted and now i have lost all of my emulators,this is great now left with nothing,what happened there everything is gone,when i put into sd mass storage it won't mount anymore and when i'm trying to open any emulators it won't open anymore just opens with notepad saying png image.
All computers can have corrupted data with an abrupt shutdown. You can Google around for some filesystem recovery tools (no promises of anything that'll recover it all, it's really hit and miss, especially depending on what the problem is: corruption or hardware failure), but really your best bet is to have a good backup system in place for these types of situations (especially since SD cards aren't as reliable as typical mechanical hard drives found in desktops).
Only problem was my unit switched off at 30% of battery percentage,so it's not showing the correct battery percentage,that's looks like some kind of bug.

How long has it been doing this?
I didn't noticied this before because i never let it go low than 65%,i thought let it go all the way till the battery runs out and while i was using mini menu and percentage was 30% and then pandora switched off.

About the corupted sd card,i finally recovered the files with my own way and figure it out simple way,all of my data is recoverable and useable.

Wizardstan i was shocked by some emulators i was do some settings on emulators,n64 is running full speed on 150mhz and i'm not joking.
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Your issue is most likely related to the problems that were introduced with hotfix 6 and should be fixed in hotfix 7 (which is currently in 'alpha' state). I observed the same, the pandora shutting down way too early regarding the battery estimates. But this is probably just some software issue (either the estimate being too far off from real life or the battery not loaded as completely as it could be) and should be fixed eventually (once HF7 is done).
My Hotfix 6 workes fine so far, I didn't noticed something unusual in charging. The only difference is that charging stops now between 95% and 97% which is OK. I made an Hotfix update, not a full flash, maybe this makes any difference?
Why is there this absolute compulsion to charge the battery to 100% ?

You do know that this type of lithium battery is "happier" not charged over 90% ?

For best lifespan, not over 80%

They also dislike heat, both these factors about equally deleterious

If you NEED the 10 hours run, then charge it up all the way.

Otherwise try stopping at less. This could extend the usefull battery life by 50%