Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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Yes, it's the link where the wikipedia numbers come from.
I didn't mean that stopped, like a 100% drop, but like a change in the story telling.
Medias speak a lot about the progressive release.
And why is that surprising? The situation will change a lot soon, there are a lot of talks about how to do it. It's normal that the media talk about it too especially considering that it concerns the whole population.
The situation in EHPAD was talked a lot past weeks. Are you surprised that for example we don't know the current situation in Wuhan? Probably not.
The 100% drop in info is everywhere here and very sudden.
Usually, apart the main news, there's always some kind of spread, diffusion, and what I see is very unusual.
And indeed, to get a grasp at the world situation would require a lot of time, and languages.
I understand that I've been imprecise. What I wanted to say is:
There's no 100% drop in numbers (answer to, but there is a 100% drop in news, like a blackout.
Same media blackout happened over curfews, and we never heard about it anymore.
Since weeks, it was possible to read EHPAD death numbers directly from the press, but it's not possible since around four days.
And the news I got from EHPAD looks like there's no count as it seems every death is now treated the same way.
So adding that together, it looks like the EHPAD numbers are now only manipulated statistics.

About world news, here's a tiny regional French newspaper citing a German study over 1000 persons saying that 1/5 of covid-infected dudes show no symptom at all:
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See that I'm not dreaming, in an article dated from today, unions are talking about a blackout (omerta), a lack of information about what is happening inside EHPADs, "unions and associations are kept away":
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Maybe it's just a corporate decision? Other countries "stopped counting" a long time ago. The figures are still available and collected, it's just the news media that now focuses on other things. It just could mean that French News is owned by or listening to a single controlling entity? Would need to check over the weeks if the news dries up here in NL too to see if it was an European decision.
You see, there is going to be a wave2, and for that to be effective, you need to relax the people; make them feel it is over. Let them come out, and then blame them, and go into a new, more severe, lockdown. That's basic stuff from the Handbook for Torture 101. With that blame, you can keep them locked down longer.

The protests against Corona are portrait as by selfish mental idiots, that want others to go to work so they can go and get a haircut.
Well, there are people concerned by illegal immigrants that could get infected due to crowded conditions. Or Polish people wanting money for the mom-and-pop shops (from that succulent stimulus Poland received from the EU, where we (other EU countries) are protesting over because Poland has the least corona infections, but most of the money was pre-covid grants, just accelerated delivered to face the problems. And it will be pocketed, as always, by big companies instead)

Here in the Netherlands we protest too. We want clear rules for how a small shop can be opened, and what extra steps need to be taken, just to open the shops and start working again, instead of 0% income, with still having to pay 100% of the rent over the last months, without having any income. Sure, some restaurants do take-out; which is really not the full income. Some have 5 seats available to sit at a terrace, where the norm was 40 people. But the sun-tan studio, and barbershops are closed (until 20-05-2020, by law). Still no aid.

Breadshops for lunch, the equivalent of US's foodtrucks, are now totally websited:

Other restaurants were not that lucky:

(this one is a very nice restaurant, at the Amstel, which was just taken over, new administration, the menu slimmed down. And bam... corona). On the website you can see google maps of the area.
The French government explain that they destroyed millions of masks at the beginning of the covid crisis because they were out of date:

And around March 27, as we had no masks for anyone, they authorized the 2 years out of date masks, I fortunately kept the link to the article:

As they don't want to resign and let competent people handle the situation, they ease the lockdown in May 11, and they say to expect to see what happens in end of May.
"we will precisely know where we are, if we succeded to contain the epidemic". They fucking INVITED the epidemic for at least 2 months and a half before seeing cases exploding, and now they expect to see a change over 3 week !!!

A region president says that "it's pure crazyness" to ease lockdown in massively infected regions. He cites an epidemiology study known by the government.
He basically says that we can't let managers manage this crisis, and that they clearly don't respect our constitution because they are putting lives in danger:

There's no control in Roissy airport. "Passports are manipulated without gloves, no temperature/fever control, no contact files, no quarantine recommendations":!preferred/1/package/88880/pub/126203/page/6

So lets be happy, thanks to our government the lazy medics will have work to do, and the virus can continue to kill.
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I didn't realized that the exact same endemol show was also aired in UK:
A comment by Brian May: "...some terrible mistakes have been made under your watch. This country went into this crisis with a National Health [Service] that had been severely crippled by successive policies of successive governments, your predecessors, underequipped, underfunded, and we sent those doctors and nurses into battle without proper protection, which I think is a scandal that we forever must be ashamed of."

Same elderlicide/diabeticide/immunodeficienticide everywhere.
Bring to you by your local corrupted politicians.
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I didn't realized that the exact same endemol show was also aired in UK:
A comment by Brian May: "...some terrible mistakes have been made under your watch. This country went into this crisis with a National Health [Service] that had been severely crippled by successive policies of successive governments, your predecessors, underequipped, underfunded, and we sent those doctors and nurses into battle without proper protection, which I think is a scandal that we forever must be ashamed of."

Same elderlicide/diabeticide/immunodeficienticide everywhere.
Bring to you by your local corrupted politicians.
That's crazy !!!
What should they do, I assume replace everything when it's about to expire?
I wonder what out-of-date means for medical equipment. Is it like a date-stamp on a pack of sugar, or does a syringe go bad like fruit?

According to this article: hospitals don't know either.

For example, a nasal cannula has an expiration date, while a disposable facemask does not; a 30-mL syringe has an expiration date, but a 10-mL syringe (from the same manufacturer) does not; an IV tubing of one type has an expiration date, while another type does not, although their purpose is exactly the same.
Several medical device manufacturers were also contacted, and none could explain why some of their products had expiration dates and others did not.
I wonder what out-of-date means for medical equipment. Is it like a date-stamp on a pack of sugar, or does a syringe go bad like fruit?

Maybe when them are produced are exposed to UV and anti bacterial stuff, and are considered clean, but as time passes these effects fade away leaving the equipment subject to all the evil things in the air.
So, if you put on an expired mask, you could breath all the evil stuff contained, and become evil too !!
I suppose that all the people in the Big Pharma at some point used an expired mask... :happy:
What should they do, I assume replace everything when it's about to expire?
If you can get sued by the buyer, you add an expiration time. Does not mean it's not working, just that if you use it, you should not complain.
cotton is organic, but for facemasks, you can not spray it with fungicide (yes, it does get sprayed during production on as a cotton plant, or sometimes has poison in it's DNA (genetically altered) so you still get trace/small amounts of that poison).
So you give it an expiration date way ahead of then cotton starts to mold. That's why sterile gausses need to be replaced from time to time.
Stuff that has rubber disintegrates... which means it tears and gets holes. So rubber gloves have an expiration date. Especially for medical use. At home, meh, do you care that there's a hole in your gloves while cleaning the toilet? Just wash your hands a few seconds longer after.
A facemask where the rubber is not elastic anymore is difficult to put on.
A siringue, with rubber in it, if disintegrates, could inject small pieces of rubber in your bloodstream.
The metal part of the needle can be sterilized again.. but they have a small piece of plastic and rubber ring... and those need to close hermetically, and NOT get poruous and grab bubbles that do not leave with the flick and press (to get the air out of the syringe)

Maybe when them are produced are exposed to UV and anti bacterial stuff, and are considered clean, but as time passes these effects fade away leaving the equipment subject to all the evil things in the air.
Sealed containers. prevent that. But yes, one bacteria can start making colonies, invisible to the eye. It takes only 1 bacteria to start a colony.

But the big news is that they just store it, and do not rotate the stockpile, or sell cheaper to hospitals, who can use them just before the expiration date; then buy new ones.

It's like a preppers pantry. Eat the oldest cans, buy new cans, put those new cans at the bottom, eat only from the top.

"Why? Because a mask with a valve may protect you from some pathogens in the air, but it doesn't protect the people around you from your own breath."


Astonishing ! I can't believe that's true:

Confirmed by: (last paragraph)
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