Couple of problems I ran into


Nov 24, 2010
Well first of, I want to say thank you The OP-team for making such a fine machine!

And I will soon write a review about it, when I have time (Math test, homework, other boring social stuff..).

And instead of writing an ordinary overall review, I would rather write an experience review. Since I'm a "7 days orderer" I will write a review about the experience I've had with my pandora over last week. And I will call it "7 days with pandora's box".



1) Why is it so hard to connect to every network that I've allready used?? I have installed the hotfix 4. pack, shouldn't that have resolved the problem?

2) I've noticed that Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart runs flawlessly/great, but are there other titles that works? Is this it?? I NEED MAJORA'S MASK!

3) What kind of file do the PSX games need to be in?

4) Spotify.. hows that going?
2: Emulators aren't exactly Pandora-related... the N64 emulator we've got right now is decent, but it might not ever be perfect. It's still being worked on, though, and will probably continue to be worked on as long as Ari64 and others (assuming there are other people on the project) have free time. Best thing you can do to get your game supported, though, is mention what exactly is wrong with the game in the emulator's thread either here or at GP32X.

3: PCSX-reARMed handles pretty much every format I've thrown at it. The best choice would be a bin/cue format, though ISOs, img files and PSP eboots work with various levels of compatibility. I think eboot's are only partially supported though.

Quote Wikipedia:

The PAL region (PAL being short for Phase Alternating Line) is a video game publication territory which covers most of Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Western Europe. It is so named because of the PAL television standard traditionally used in those regions, as opposed to the NTSC standard traditionally used in the United States and Japan, which publish a large portion of video games.

do you need that along with the game to play it?

When I think about it, you don't need one do you? Because for example if you buy a PS2 in europe, you can only play european PS2 games, right?

Important question:

Why am I having such problem with connecting to a network that I've allredy been connected to??
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Quote Wikipedia:

The PAL region (PAL being short for Phase Alternating Line) is a video game publication territory which covers most of Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Western Europe. It is so named because of the PAL television standard traditionally used in those regions, as opposed to the NTSC standard traditionally used in the United States and Japan, which publish a large portion of video games.

do you need that along with the game to play it?

When I think about it, you don't need one do you? Because for example if you buy a PS2 in europe, you can only play european PS2 games, right?
That's essentially just a reference to the speed the game runs at (i.e., 50Hz for PAL, or 60Hz for NTSC). You don't need to worry about it under emulation, as most emulators feature the ability to toggle between PAL and NTSC, and many will auto-detect it for you.
In other words, the most you may need to do to emulate games properly is check a compatibility sheet or toggle some settings. There's nothing overly complicated to it.
Also, just to add some thought. If you haven't already check out over clocking your Pandora when playing N64 games. It will increase the speed of games by a lot. From 500mh to ~800mh is a good jump.
Important question:

Why am I having such problem with connecting to a network that I've allredy been connected to??

What sort of problems are you having? All I have to do is enter my keychain pass word and it connects.
The wifi experience seems to vary between units. Try the beta wifi driver () or just hold out for Hotfix 5, which should incorporate it.

Also, experiment with wifi channels. Some people have had success with this.
Also, just to add some thought. If you haven't already check out over clocking your Pandora when playing N64 games. It will increase the speed of games by a lot. From 500mh to ~800mh is a good jump.
I've done that, but most games seems unchanged :(

And for some reason, when I clock to 800-900, my pandora freezes (Espacially when using Mupen).

The wifi experience seems to vary between units. Try the beta wifi driver () or just hold out for Hotfix 5, which should incorporate it.

Also, experiment with wifi channels. Some people have had success with this.
I will try that!
If your Pandora freezes when you clock that high, it's more than likely becaused your CPU, in whole or in part, can't handle such a high clock speed. It sounds like you've got one of the poorer CPUs in terms of build quality. But it's still within spec, so nothing can really be done about it.

I suppose you can overvolt it if you hate warranties.
And for some reason, when I clock to 800-900, my pandora freezes (Espacially when using Mupen).
For some funny reason overclocking might hang the CPU, oh lol ... :P

IIRC HF4 doesnt yet have OPP controls in a GUI, so you're running limited to OPP3 by default.

I'd be a bit surprised if it couldnt do 900mhz at opp5, but at opp3 it's not surprising that it fails before 900mhz.

Eg. Mine runs opp3 800 = ~stable, 850 = (possibly) unstable, 900 = instant freeze. At OPP5 its 1Ghz with a possible hang someday, 1050Mhz instant freeze. These are just examples of one pandora, YMMV.
Regarding clocking it to 800-900, my unit will work along happily at 850, but at 875 it freezes (at stock voltage, OPP3). I can get it to run faster at higher voltages, but I haven't found the need for that yet.

Each unit is going to vary in how much you can overclock at the stock voltage. This is very standard for overclocking processors. The fact that you can get an extra 200mhz out of it stably is a great thing though. Some have said that they can get theirs to run at 900mhz on stock voltage, but I think that's pretty rare.

My wifi seems pretty solid. Slow, but I haven't had any serious disconnect problems. At least not yet, I've only had it a week and I don't use the wifi on it all that much as it's still slow.

Edit: Ninja'd by urjaman
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And for some reason, when I clock to 800-900, my pandora freezes (Espacially when using Mupen).
For some funny reason overclocking might hang the CPU, oh lol ... :P

IIRC HF4 doesnt yet have OPP controls in a GUI, so you're running limited to OPP3 by default.

I'd be a bit surprised if it couldnt do 900mhz at opp5, but at opp3 it's not surprising that it fails before 900mhz.

Eg. Mine runs opp3 800 = ~stable, 850 = (possibly) unstable, 900 = instant freeze. At OPP5 its 1Ghz with a possible hang someday, 1050Mhz instant freeze. These are just examples of one pandora, YMMV.
LoL, I kinda burned myself didn't I? :P

But since I have a poorer cpu, should I bother at all with change my pandora or should I?
Well, there's no guaranty that your unit will overclock, so this wouldn't be grounds for an exchange. Can you hit 800mhz stably?
Change your Pandora? As in RMA? You can't. It's within specifications. It's not supposed to be overclocked. Whatever you can get out of overclocking is a perk. Even with your patricular CPU, this design has one hell of an ability to overclock. I've never seen a CPU that can overclock to almost double its clock speed at standard voltage. That's insane.

We got lucky with this one, surely.

You're free to buy a second Pandora if you want to overclock further, of course. :D
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Regarding clocking it to 800-900, my unit will work along happily at 850, but at 875 it freezes (at stock voltage, OPP3). I can get it to run faster at higher voltages, but I haven't found the need for that yet.
Mine is the same at OPP3 (although admittedly I've only tried it at 850MHz, and not 875MHz; I know it cannot do 900MHz). I haven't had any need to change voltages, and don't foresee one coming up, either. One thing that's worth noting is that if overclocking when using an app that's got NEON stuff going on (such as, say, PCSX ReARMed), you have to clock it lower (in my case, 750MHz), because NEON is not so overclocking-friendly. :P
....when using an app that's got NEON stuff going on (such as, say, PCSX ReARMed), you have to clock it lower (in my case, 750MHz), because NEON is not so overclocking-friendly. :P

I feel special... :D

I can clock to 900MHz at the stock voltage and eveerything runs fine, including PCSX-reARMed and Mupen.
Ok, got WiFi working again with the beta driver!

But thanks for the info so far, can clock mine up to 850 and it's stable :)

But spotify? Anyone?