Contacting Customer Support?


Still Fresh
Nov 22, 2010
What email address do you use to contact customer support? I have mailed for lack of knowing any other options but have not received a reply from them. Ever since I first got my unit the right shoulder button has been jammed and the case was "creased" on the right side (left side is clasped tight but the right side top case is significantly stretched away from the bottom case). I'm sure the fix for this is easy but I'm not into voiding the warranty to solve the problem.
I understand you want to redeem your warranty, but in case you change your mind...

I dropped my Pandora a handful of times like a nitwit, and one drop in particular pushed in the left shoulder button exactly as you described. I manned up and opened the case myself (thereby voiding my warranty, but I didn't think it covered accidents anyhow) to fix the stuck button, and the small metal chassis holding the button pad to the PCB had come loose. Some super glue fixed that right quick, and soon enough after my button worked fine, and has ever since.

Again I realize that is the opposite of what you were looking for, but if somehow the waiting time to send it back for repairs or replacement changes your mind then you have my testimony for ease of repair.
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this isnt official word by a long shot, but craig has given the go to fix your own shoulder button if you want because its such an easy fix, and you wont void your warranty doing this, once again, this isnt official word, but it is something craig has said before and many people have fixed their own, as far as your case "creased", im not exactly sure what you mean by that
^ If I'm reading it right, the "crease" mentioned could be the effect from the hinge being in the right-hand side, causing the left side to look less-closed than the right when the Pandora is shut...

If I have this correct, then every Pandora has that - it's normal. :P
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