Compatibility List


The Big Wad Bolf.
Sep 4, 2004
Hi Folks, I have been noticing that the compatibility lists have been getting less attention recently. DrMD 4.1 for instance hasn't really been updated etc. Do you think this is because the GP2X is taking over and people are generally less interested in keeping the GP32 lists up to date? If this is the case, then I should get off my huge ass and sort out the new updated List site I was thinking of doing ages ago.

Any thoughts on this are welcomed :)

Probably you are right and that the 'new toy' is the problem - whilst I still love my gp32 I haven't actually turned it on for a while. A similar compatibility site that included both gp32 and gp2x info would be great. What was the plan for the mysterious 'updated list site'?

More importantly, what has happened to your webcam signature? A quick glance of Aber front always cheered me up whilst stuck in London ;)
andyB911 posted on Feb 21 2006 at 05:02 PM said:
Probably you are right and that the 'new toy' is the problem - whilst I still love my gp32 I haven't actually turned it on for a while. A similar compatibility site that included both gp32 and gp2x info would be great. What was the plan for the mysterious 'updated list site'?

More importantly, what has happened to your webcam signature? A quick glance of Aber front always cheered me up whilst stuck in London ;)

Hi Andy,

The Mysterious updated lists eh, well I got the idea that having separate sites for all the different consoles etc is a bit mad. So I thought, what about one site for the lot. You will be able to select any emulator or any system even PC emulators. They would all share the game list data but have their own individual data for the emu/system/version. It would make things much simpler, and bring everything into one place. I have been thinking about doing something like this for ages, with a complete new layout too, breaking away from the blue site. Also much more admin support so specified admins can add/edit Versions, Emus and Systems to the site themselves.

I was going to start on the site a few months back, but with being ill and learning Flash MX I got a bit side tracked, ho hum.

Actually as the GP32 site has gone quiet, I think I might put my old Sig back :). It was snowing here earlier YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Byeee for now,

P.S. If you have any ideas regarding the new lists, let me know, it's easier to build it in initially than add it afterwards :).
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I like the idea of a single resource, letting you know what is and isn't compatible across emulators and systems and equally importantly allowing people to review games. I think the current layout and tree structure work well - but it will need it a tweak to include multiple emulators per system.

Good to see a return of the webcam. ;)
andyB911 posted on Feb 21 2006 at 11:52 PM said:
I like the idea of a single resource, letting you know what is and isn't compatible across emulators and systems and equally importantly allowing people to review games. I think the current layout and tree structure work well - but it will need it a tweak to include multiple emulators per system.

Good to see a return of the webcam. ;)

I like the idea of a review section, presently I only have a little comments page. Also the reviews for a SNES game (for instance) can be accessed across the board of emulators, but I should include an option to select which Emu you are playing it on. Or something...

If I plan this site correctly, then it could become a very useful and fun resource.

I am working on the user access code at the moment, so I will start to plan the sites database very soon.

Byeeeeee for now,

Ookay I have a big question here. Is there actually any point in keeping all old data about older Emu versions? I get the feeling people are only really interested in the latest version and what works on that. Or am I wrong and I should keep version history like in the original lists?

The thing is, when a new EMU version is released, someone has to then re-test ALL the games again to see if they work. Would it be better to keep the same data, and people can simply change it all. Say for instance a game didn't work on a previous Emu version, and it now works. But the old data says "Doesn't work". I think it's easier to change that one game status, than to go through every game again each time there is a new version release.
The reason I ask is, it's kind of annoying when a new version is released and suddenly all games status's go to "Unknown". Even though the database looks one status back and tells you the previous status, I don't think it's good enough.

Let me know.

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Okay I have sorted out the new logon and security scripts, and I have created a rough layout for the database. I should be able to start coding it all now. Phew, thought I would never get here :lol: .
Another update (If anyone is interested).

New Compatibility database created, I'm going to populate the games for the Emu's and then write the web front end next.....
BaDToaD posted on Feb 23 2006 at 04:16 PM said:
Of course we're interested Fluffy :P

Shocked awe at your html skills is what's keeping us quiet :)

Awww thanks (shuffling feet and blushing), :wub: .
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