im doing the coding. supposedly.
Delsabre - Coordinator, Programmer, Pixel Artist, Other?
gp32animefreak - Storyline, Cutscenes?, Other?
Dolfhin - Website, Manual?, Other?
Neomorpheus - Other
kraahl - Dialogue, Other?
Tobriand - MIDI
whitestripes44 - Game Design?
Evil_Cartman - GFX
IntenseWage - MOD Music
EvilDragon - GFX?, Storyline?
ste_167 - Game Design
declaration - Storyline
Dozer - Other
Bazzie - Storyline
ok, gp32animefreak is doing the main storyline, EvilDragon declaration and Bazzie will help and make suggestions.
the coding will take awhile, but it would be better to have everything else done before it.
@gp32animefreak: make another topic called "GP32 Community Game Storyline" and post what youve written so far there. the other guys helping with the storyline will give you suggestions and such.
@Dolfhin: just get a generic website up for now. the design/whatever is up to you.
@whitestripes44 and ste_167: you two will be doing the game design. that means, figuring out how the battle system and such will work. be creative

. whichever one of you reads this first, post a topic called "GP32 Community Game General Design" and say how you think everything should work.
those of you assigned to gfx, sfx and other, just hang around for now until the storyline and game design guys give you something to work with.
this topic will be for general discussion about the game.
@Hando: GPDC is on hold ever since i saw this. maybe ill get to it if we can get some more coders... also, since this seems to be picking up speed now, could you create a subforum for it and (possibly if you trust me enough) let me mod it?