Active Member
I was reading a few posts around here on ports and "Pandora exclusive titles" and it dawned on me that I own a really fun game for GP2X that I'd absolutely LOVE to see ported to the Pandora, but I wonder if anyone has contacted the company yet. It's probably close to 2 years old now, but the name of the game I believe is Wind & Water. It's a puzzle battle game. When it was first released, they offered a standard price and a premium price for those who wanted avatars of themselves on their games (I opted for the avatared version
) I believe the name of the company is Yuan Studios or something like that. Does anyone else own this game for GP2X and would be interested in a Pandora release of this game? Also, some of the people's avatars around here had me thinking of that game everytime I saw them.... so I finally got around to asking about it here. I'd like to approach the company about this if no one else already has, but I'd like a backing of at least a few people first... it would be doubtful for them to offer a Pandora version if I'm the only one asking...
So if anyone else is interested (or has already tried) please post here!