Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

That's news for me. You can make money here in germany without bureaucracy nightmares like funding a GmbH or going to a million Government agencys? :D
as long as your revenu doesnt cross a given amont (like every other country). selling 1000 copies of a 2eur game dont cross that lines probably ;)
I have made the title of the commerical apps different colour (at least on the home page and the big list page).
I don't mean to nitpick, but I see you're using light-blue to show that the game is commercial. I may be the only one, but that didn't stand out at all to me, ha. Maybe the price in parenthesis after it? Or an icon to denote it?

Blue just made me think I'd visited that link before.
I'll look into maybe a coin icon in an 8 bit style ;-)
great idea. :)

That's news for me. You can make money here in germany without bureaucracy nightmares like funding a GmbH or going to a million Government agencys? :D
as long as your revenu doesnt cross a given amont (like every other country). selling 1000 copies of a 2eur game dont cross that lines probably ;)

Nope. You can make millions of EUR in Germany without a company if you like, as long as you do your income tax properly, there's no issue.

However, without a company, you're always personally responsible for any damages and with everything you own.

A lawsuit lost could take away everything you own. A company would file bankruptcy and your private things would still belong to you.

I don't see that as a problem if you're only publishing small games though ;)

What damage can you cause (unless you stole some graphics from a company and used those to sell your game ;) )
If I purchase an app, will I be able to redownload it later on as many times as I want? For example If I have uninstalled it or wiped my device. Sorry this might have been answered already :P

Will make my first purchase when I get home from work, hope it's as good as my other paypal purchases. Need to support these guys if we want more :P
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Update: also added a filter for commercial apps in the BIG LIST, under the release type filter just click the dollar symbol :)
Done, but didn't work. The commercial apps are not filtered and are still shown. How to get rid of them?
it does work the filter is to only show the commerical apps, not to filter them out, currently there is no way to filter them out.
ok I bought that arora rift 32x, and it said 3.75 dollars on paypal. So I thought oh well maybe its something they add. And then it said that the amount doesnt match with the $3 on the repo so it wont add the game for me...


if its any help my account is matenrou in the repo


managed to go back in the browser. So because I live in sweden they decided to give me 25% tax

Items total $3.00

Tax (25.000% in Sweden); $0.75
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hmmm I havent come across that issue, so has it let you purchase in the end? or not?

if not ill have to look into this phonomenum
No, I can choose to buy it again but I already bought it :P If you want transaction ids or something just PM
ok if you can get blackcurtain to email me and confirm the payment I will manually add this to the database and it will unlock your download, sorry about this.

im going to have to look into taking random tax into consideration too, i wasnt expecting that.
aww wanted to test it out, I hope they are responding to the contact form on their website.

So what's your mail or do they have it already?
you can PM blackcurtain on the forum and just get him to PM me with the approproate details :) once I have those it wont take long I promise.
Sent him a PM, hope you can find a workaround for when others try. Good we found out about it so early :P
I think I will need to update my price match code to something like this:

$item_cost = (float)'3.00';//price is pulled from the database

$mc_gross = (float)'3.75';

$tax = (float)'0.75';

$mc_gross = ($tax!=0)? ($mc_gross-$tax):$mc_gross;

//check payment returned from IPN is same as actual cost


    //success add to db


that should fix it.
@Matenrou I didnt need confirmation from blackcurtain after all< i have the payment logged in a log on the server, and it status was complete so that means it went through ok, so i have manually added the payment to the DB and you should be able to download the game now :)

//check payment returned from IPN is same as actual cost


    //success add to db

Maybe you could just allow anything that's above or equal to minimum price, or even add a way to pay more than required. This would allow humble-bundle-style pay-what-you-want commercial apps.
Maybe you could just allow anything that's above or equal to minimum price, or even add a way to pay more than required. This would allow humble-bundle-style pay-what-you-want commercial apps.

I like the pay-what-you-want idea :)