********** 09/09/2013
* gcc 4.8.2 -> 4.9.0
********** 14/09/2013
* wxWidget 2.8.12 -> 2.9.5
********** 15/09/2013
* wxWidget recompile, with x11 instead of gtk as toolokit. Too many dependancies attached for now (libcairo depend on libQt and libGLESv2)
+ elflibviewer a tool to walk dependancies, tree view style (a graphical ldd).
* libcairo recompiled, without QT & GLESv2 backend
* wxWiget recompiled with gtk
********** 02/10/2013
+ libwebp 0.3.1
* SDL_image 1.2.12 with static jpg and png to avoid mess with different versions
* SDL 1.2 omapdss version, trying to fix problem with SDL_Threads that doesn't seems to works (don't use semaphore)
********** 03/10/2013
* libproxy recompiled
* libsoup 2.32 recompiled
********** 20/10/2013
* openal-soft svn synch + some hand neon optim.
+ eigen 3.3 template library for math (vector, matrix, quaternions). NEON optimized
********** 21/10/2013
+ ncursessw 5.9 ncurses with wide char
+ htop 1.0.2 top with color
********** 26/10/2013
* allegro 4.4.2 fresh compile
********** 27/10/2013
* GLES & GLES2 header update with latest version (manual version for gles2, not the automatic one).
* SDL 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
+ fblend 0.5 plus some custom neon code
+ fluxcomp fresh from git
********** 27/10/2013
+ assimp 3.0.1270 the open Asset Importer
********** 31/10/2013
+ fridgelib latest version from git
+ apr 1.4.8
+ apr-util 1.5.2
* sqlite 3.6.20 -> 3.8.1
********** 01/11/2013
* Scons 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0
+ serf 1.3.0
* svn 1.7 -> 1.9.0-dev fresh from svn
* GLES2 Header fallback to previous version
********** 11/11/2013
+ autogen 5.18.2
* libsndfile 1.26.git fresh from git
* SFML 2.0 freshen sources from git
********** 17/11/2013
+ glm OpenGL Math, header only Math classes
* gcc 4.9.0 new compile again...
********** 02/12/2013
+ lxml python lib
+ setuptools python lib
+ pyquery python lib
* libicu 5.0 -> 5.2
********** 03/12/2013
+ keybinder 0.3.0 C lib + python and lua bindings
********** 28/12/2013
* gcc 4.9.0 freshen from svn
* wxWidget 2.9.5 recompiled with forced -fPIC
********** 19/01/2014
* addipk updated all ipk are available now
* kernel-dev updated to latest ipk content
* libvorbis recompiled with gcc 4.9.0
********** 01/02/2014
+ TiMidity++ 2.13 with alsa default device
+ celt 0.11.1+ fresh from git
********** 06/02/2014
+ wxWidget 3.0
********** 09/02/2014
+ coreutils 8.22 all gnu tools (ls, cp...) up to date (libreoffice want a new "touch")
* libpixman fresh from git
* libcairo fresh from git
********** 19/02/2014
* gcc 4.9.0 freshen from svn
* binutils+gdb fresh from git (with gold also)
* binutils 2.22 still assertion failed on newer version of ld
********** 01/03/2014
+ jemalloc 3.5.1
********** 10/03/2014
+ libffi 3.0.13
* gobject-introspection 0.10 -> 1.29.17 with hacked dep. glib 2.29.7 -> 2.24.0
+ libtclini
+ libini
********** 12/03/2014
* binutils+gdb freshen from svn, with hack to avoid assert and specific patch for codeblocks (ld and gold)
+ babl 0.1.2+ fresh from git
+ libcroco 0.6.8
+ librsvg 2.34.2 no pangocairo renderer, maybe update-it ?
+ openraw fresh from git
+ GEGL 0.1.6
********** 13/03/2014
* gcc 4.9.0 with some codeblocks hacks
+ GEGL 0.2.0 with hack GLib 2.28 -> 2.24 (and it's different from GEGL 0.1.x)
* atk 1.3.0 -> 2.3.3 with some macro hack in GLib header of codeblocks (added some 2.26 macro to current 2.24 headers)
* gdk-pixbuf 2.20.0 -> 2.24.1 with some hacking for GLib 2.27.2 -> 2.24
* pango 1.22.4 -> 1.29.5 with some hacking for GLib 2.32 -> 2.24 (added some 2.32 macro to current 2.24 headers)
********** 14/03/2014
* gdk-pixbuf 2.24.1 without dynamic module
* pango 1.29.5 without dynamic module
+ aalib 1.4rc4
********** 25/03/2014
* libGL based on lunixbochs version
* glutls 3.2.12
********** 27/03/2014
* gstreamer firmware -> 0.10.33
* gst-plugins-base -> 0.10.36
+ WildMidi
* gst-plugins-good -> 0.10.31
* gst-plugins-bad -> 0.10.23
********** 31/03/2014
* python 2.7.3 recompiled, all is included now
********** 03/04/2014
* gawk 3.4.9 -> 4.1.0
+ libgpg-error 1.12
+ libassuan 2.1.1
+ libksba 1.3.0
********** 05/04/2014
+ udev from repo with addipk
********** 27/04/2014
* libGL
* gcc 4.9.0 now on beta state, with go, fortran and obj-c added back
+ nspr fresh from hg
+ GNUstep-make 2.6.6
+ GNUstep-base 1.24.6
+ ImageMagick 6.9
+ nano 2.3.2-dev fresh from svn
********** 01/05/2014
* libGL
+ libasync 0.8
* libpulse header only, + libpulse-simple.so
* portaudio lastest stable
+ espeak fresh from svn
********** 26/05/2014
* smpeg 0.4 freshen svn repo and fixed buzzing sound
* SDL_mixer 1.2 use tremor (int compiled) for ogg
* make -> 4.0
********** 31/05/2014
* linux header
* FreeImage 3.1.60
+ Lesstif 0.95
+ Xlt 13.0.13
+ x11-proto-printproto latest from git
* libXpm latest from git
+ geomview 1.9.5 use LessTif and OpenGL, so glshim.
+ ddd 3.3.12 debugger frontend (use lesstif)
+ glsl_optimizer a static lib to optimize GLSL shader (also for GLES|2)
+ re2c fresh from git
********** 12/07/2014
* openal-soft update to current git sources
* bison 2.6 -> 3.0.2
+ webkitgtk 1.3.9 (doesn't seems to works)
* wxWidget 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 with webviewwebkit enabled
* gtk+-2.24 -> 2.20 from firmware
********** 02/08/2014
+ GNUstep-gui
+ liquidfun 1.1.0
* libserf 1.3.2 -> 1.3.4
* sqlite 3.6.20 -> 3.8.5
* svn freshen sources
********** 09/08/2014
* fixed wxpython launch script
******** => PND v2.0.0.11 ***********