Clonekeen2x V1.0 Released


You're pushing your luck little man
Jan 25, 2006
CloneKeen2X v1.0 has been released! This is intended to be the defining release for the game, with tons of new features and bugfixes. Get it from here or wait for the archive to be updated with it.

Changed screen resolution to 320x240 to fill GP2X screen
Now uses Paeryn's excellent hardware SDL libs
When map is too small to fit on screen, it now draws it centered and hides border tiles
Added volume control
No longer writes a log file by default, use command line '-debug' for this
Now sync()s after closing a file that was written to
Removed all multiplayer stuff from code, since we're not going to use it on GP2X
Added one-button fire option for you non-purists out there ;)
Options now save and load automatically between game sessions
Fixed "Continue Game" crash that occured on some systems
Fixed some dodgy code in the Ep2-Walker AI that occasionally segfaulted
No longer plays Episode 3 end sequence after dying in last level
Corrected "X=Y" button mapping issue
Updated several tile attributes to be more accurate to the original game
Mangling Machine now accurate to original game, and probably a lot more possible :)
Fixed Ep2-Earth Explodes sequence
Updated Voricon AI (No longer always decides to walk right)
Updated Ep1-Tank AI (Must fire before looking, now possible to jump over)
Updated Ep2-Tank AI (Pause before volley, no longer moves during volley)
Updated Ep3-Mother AI (touch no longer insta-kill, pushes player)
Updated Ep3-Fireball AI (kills other AIs)
Updated Ep3-Meep AI (touch no longer insta-kill, pushes player)
Very cool - keen on the move rocks like crazy. Indeed, it was one of the games that always made me lament the fact that an x86 emu was unlikely at decent speeds...

Now just to wait for the day CloneKeen itself starts supporting keen mods, and we'll have all the jump and runs we need (including some that look rather like Keen 4-6 despite using the earlier engine...)
Thanks guys.

I just released a small update (v1.0a) that fixes a glitch in the Ep3-Ninja AI. You can download it and/or the source at Also, mods should work as long as they don't require a mod of the executable file itself... if it's a palette/level/sprite mod, it should work correctly, and the ones I tested did work.
It runs a lot better now with the hardware SDL libs. Can I request a vsync option? There is a lot of tearing now.
Mudi posted on Feb 11 2006 at 03:39 AM said:
CloneKeen2X v1.0 has been released!  This is intended to be the defining release for the game, with tons of new features and bugfixes.  Get it from here or wait for the archive to be updated with it.

      Changed screen resolution to 320x240 to fill GP2X screen
      Now uses Paeryn's excellent hardware SDL libs
      When map is too small to fit on screen, it now draws it centered and hides

AAAAAAARRgh what is it with everyone stretching the screen now? Don't you realise that scaling SUCKS on an LCD? For a couple of mms of size you force it to look like pixely? WHY? I don't understand how people think ripply, distorted fractional scaling looks good :blink:

Please, could you guys just give us the option to display games at the correct 1:1 resolution too? Thanks much.
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DaveC posted on Feb 11 2006 at 10:03 PM said:
AAAAAAARRgh what is it with everyone stretching the screen now? Don't you realise that scaling SUCKS on an LCD? For a couple of mms of size you force it to look like pixely? WHY? I don't understand how people think ripply, distorted fractional scaling looks good :blink:

Please, could you guys just give us the option to display games at the correct 1:1 resolution too? Thanks much.

YYyeeaah, wow. It doesn't scale, it displays more vertical tiles. I know perfectly well that distorting 320x200 to 320x240 looks terrible, but that's not what's happening here. Displaying 2.5 more vertical tiles has no real effect on gameplay, and it looks better than having a black bar at the bottom.

As for vsync: I tried it but it made it lag a lot more... maybe if I can find a good way to do it, or maybe when I optimise stuff a little better.
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As for vsync: I tried it but it made it lag a lot more... maybe if I can find a good way to do it, or maybe when I optimise stuff a little better.
No problem.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Waiting for my GP2X to arrive so I can try this. Please make this as perfect as you can. I may actually try and clock this because I wasn't too good at episode I when I first played my shareware disc as a seven year old!
sand_man posted on Feb 13 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Never heard of Commander Keen?!
Should I feel old right about now?
You'd have to be either really young or really old. It was id Software's first game, before Wolfenstein 3D and Doom and all that.
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OK, just so all you Keen gurus out there who are bored with the game have something to do, here's my best win time for Ep1 (on GP2X, I can do slightly better on PC)
Time: 7 minutes, 24 seconds
Shots fired: 1
Pogo jumps: 1
Levels beaten: 6

Can anyone beat that? ;)

My homebrew project is well under way, but I doubt it'll be done in time for the contest. It's a pretty big project, I'll tell you guys that much.
Mudi posted on Feb 14 2006 at 12:06 AM said:
OK, just so all you Keen gurus out there who are bored with the game have something to do, here's my best win time for Ep1 (on GP2X, I can do slightly better on PC)
Time: 7 minutes, 24 seconds
Shots fired: 1
Pogo jumps: 1
Levels beaten: 6

Can anyone beat that? ;)

:o If only(thats beyond me for sure)
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judge0 posted on Feb 15 2006 at 11:30 AM said:
@Mudi: did you release version 1.1 or did someone tweak your code?

Check this link at DCEmu (must be registered for the download)

Thanks for the memories . . . :)

Thanks for pointing that out, but it looks like it's the exact same archive as the 1.0a release. Some site mislabeled it along the way... happens, I guess :D
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