Firstly I just want to say thanks to people who are sticking with us as we recover from the CC mess. The orders are slowly shipping and we are aiming to speed that up in a big way later this year via the 1Ghz success.
Remember you can have a refund if you want one, me and Ed were recently talking about how refunding a $330 order helps the project because the units now cost so much more than that to make now we are working with real companies who give accurate costs and good service.
Reading this makes me wonder how Craig is managing the units he gets and why the heck is he taking upgrades when he can't really deliver.
Because we can are are delivering?
What would you rather we did? Shut the whole project down? Declare bankruptcy?
The fantastic 1Ghz sales have given us a second wind to get a *lot* of things fixed and sorted out, including a push on finally clearing the remaining $330 orders.
The iCP did pay for and support the project for quite a bit of last year.
Also remember you can have a refund at any time, if you want one just email us.
Total outstanding preorders are now under 1000 units (between me and Ed), so we clearly are delivering. This time last year it was more like 2000. We have also repaired/replaced about 300 units in that time too.
Do tell us what would you do Notaz, you seem to be quite vocal lately in your attacks on the project, how would you handle it?