Choose Your Mod :)

lol2232 posted on Feb 3 2006 at 06:06 AM said:
Squidge, but he has to develop stuff so.... uhh.... No skill (just because he started the wonderfull wiki, wait he did right?:)

Its kinda funny because I got this account from BugMeNot and I have never had a GP32 or GP2X (but hopefully getting one soon)
you do know the login on that page still works?
i would change it if I were you...
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ya i changed it... man I cant believe I did not think of this account getting jacked from me.
lubidog posted on Feb 2 2006 at 07:43 AM said:
everyone knows a heavy handed power mad mod can kill a forum!
I disagree due to my own experience :D

But seriously pretty much everyone voting for themselves is disqualified, not least because nobody is voting for THEM :) For the record, I broached the topic with hando a few days ago, suggesting that while DaveC and vimacs were popular choices from the previous thread, there might be better candidates. Especially after what happened recently.

We ARE paying attention to posts here so keep the suggestions up. I don't speak for hando but I expect we'll have an extra two, maybe even three moderators by next week.
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I don't know if he wants the job and he's a bit quiet lately but I think trooper would be a good moderator. Vimacs would be fine too, sure he had this 'period' for a while but before and after that he could pass for a decent human being.
I seriously think Squidge would make a great mod, he's helpful, almost always here and down to earth.
Personally i vote TelcoLou to be a mod.

I dont know the guy personally, and he dont know me, but every post ive seen from him has been helpful, and written in a professional manner.

As im more of a lurker, sorry (!), ive clocked up more hours on this board since, i'd say, half way through the GP32's life, and visited nearly every day. And ive always seen TelcoLou's post's as honest advice, and can depend on his opinions.

Just my 2 pence....
Rico posted on Feb 4 2006 at 11:57 PM said:
Especially after what happened recently.

Just passing through here. I just want to say about "what happened recently" well at first I didn't say anything. But after 5 pages of everyone taking the piss out of me I had to say something and bring it to a head. I am usually pretty flame retardant but too much is too much. As you probably see I really don't get into too many flame wars unless provoked. That said, while I don't blame your position on this mod subject I just had to say my piece. For the record it would probably make sense for a mod to be a guru first then be "promoted" to mod. Peace.

Carry on... :ph34r:
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Skeezix and DaveC get my vote, and my vote means a lot as a rarely vote for anything (Democracy sucks ;))!!

Not only is Skeezix a developer, but from what I can tell he is also a 'normal' member of the forum. He replys to all sorts of posts, even when they have nothing to do with his software. As Nova said "he's helpful, almost always here and down to earth.".

I also think that DaveC would make a good mod. Although some of posts may seem controversial to a some, he always has others peoples interests at heart. Him being made a mod might also stop the unnecessary flaming he seems to get from various members of the board, even when he hasn't even said anything in a thread.

I'd notinate myself aswell, but that's sort of against the rules of this thread and I'd end up deleting every post which went even remotely off topic if I became a mod :P .
Any new mods should at least have a sense of humor too many killjoys and censors around at the moment.

Hopefully they will get bored of the powertrip soon enough.

I'm grumpy.

Edit: I'm sorry if Lou took this post personaly I just found it amusinging that the number of locked threads had increased dramatically recently.

Peace out :P
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I take nothing personally .. it's the internet y'know ;)

BTW, thank you to all the folks that nominated me ... :)