Cheap Gp2x Power Adaptor


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2005
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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OK, so i went to my local electronics store and bought a power adaptor for my 2X, 3V 1.5A etc. But the adaptor is actually for a gameboy, the onlt problem with that is that the positave and negitave terminals are reversed.

So i use my 1337 skillz to "fix" a screwdriver so it can turn the single screw holding the thing together, it isnt a regluar screw or anything. I crack the bitch open and after a quick soldering its all go.

So if you've got a powersupply for a gameboy (I have no idea what version etc specifically) whip out your multimeter and see if its running 3-3.3v.

Also, more specifically the power supply i bought was a digitor "M 9622" from Dick Smiths Electronics ( for AU$19.98. Upon opening I fond that the internals were the same as that of the cheaper model where you can switch the output voltage (with a few diffrent voltages 12v being highest and 3v being lowest) so if you wanted one of the more expensive models buy a cheapie and send me the money you save!

I hope this helps someone, remember to check the voltage with a multimeter - i am not responsable if you get hurt, die or turn into a giant foot.
i have been wondering for a while whether i could not just use a plugpack adaptor for the gp2x. is there a special reason why using such an item is a worse idea than using a special power supply?
yeah but what plug will they have? US, european or british?

from GP32z
You will be able to purchase the official Gp2x power adapters from us in the coming week at $24.99. It will come with a Foreign plug to US adapter which will allow you to use the power adapter in the United States.
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There are a whole heap of us using plugpack power supplies. Just make sure you get a regulated 3V that can supply around 1A. The plug is a 2.3mm/0.75mm (outside/inside) diameter barrel plug with centre negative. For the plugpacks that come with multiple plugs, this will usually be the smallest.