Changing Menu Buttons For Pocketsnes


Still Fresh
Oct 9, 2010
Sadly the - volume button on my Wiz broke off. Is there any way possible to change the buttons config around on the Pocketsnes so I can access the menu so i can save and change games?
mizuryu said:
Sadly the - volume button on my Wiz broke off. Is there any way possible to change the buttons config around on the Pocketsnes so I can access the menu so i can save and change games?

Your only option is to get the source code and modify main.cpp. It should be a simple change, good luck!.
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Sorry to ask but where do i find the source code? and how do i change it
Would be really nice if someone could do this for the next official release, if it hasn't been done already. I find hitting both volume buttons on the wiz simultaneously to be pretty inconvenient.
I have a copy

You'll need to modify main.cpp as I said previously. The code you want to modify is in the S9xReadJoypad() procedure.

You'll need a compiler,0,0,0,14,8

just update main.cpp and then run make -f Makefile.wiz


You make it sound so easy.....I never done anything like this and have no idea what I am doing
Reesy said:
No problem, I've downloaded the compiler and I've managed to get PocketSnes to compile. What do button or combo do you want to map the menu to?

I was thinking L button and start please :)

Thank you for your help Reesy
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I'm coding blind as I do not have a wiz, the download above should work and if it does theres not much I can do about it.
It didn't work. It gets stuck on the loading screen. Thank you for your help though
you could ask the guy who is improving pocket snes (bitrider - i think he has same name on here) to allow changing the button mapping somehow. IMO there's not much sense doing anything to the old version since a lot of work has gone into the 7.X improvements. he still didn't release the source code yet, but that's another story, so that anyone else could do it.