Change Inputs With Some Kind Of Daemon?


Hey Telstra, I Hate You.
Jun 23, 2007
lol Charters Towers sucks.
Hey all....

Problems, problems aye?

Sorry i post a new topic every time i have a new problem with my mod, i just get more replies that way :lol:

Well anyway, if you read my post Help! Do I need a new '2x Mobo? you will see that i had accidentally destroyed the contact to get direction Left.

I currently have the D-Pad Left wired to the Up-Left contact on the Mobo.

My question is can i write (or could somebody "help" me write :P) a daemon/background app type thing to change hardware Up-Left to input Left?

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You can for the programs that open /dev/gpio, but for the ones that access the hardware directly, no.
Squidge said:
You can for the programs that open /dev/gpio, but for the ones that access the hardware directly, no.
Ok thanks..
How exactly would i go abot doing this? I do coding in C but ive never coded for the gp2x..
And does the gp2xmenu or Gmenu2x open /dev/gpio?
How can i find out which programs do? Id like DrPocketSnes at least to work :P addicted to MK3 :D
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DrPocketSNES hits the hardware directly, so you'll have to recompile it to use /dev/gpio.

About how to hack it - you need to compile your own kernel with a modified gpio driver.
It shouldn't be too difficult, afterall, DrPS use a single function for getting the status of the joystick.