Cavestory 3d


May 11, 2007
Outer Heaven!
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Dear Reader,

I was just thinking of an awesome 3d game that would be amazing for the pandora. By the name of the title you can guess what I'm talking about Cavestory 3d. The original game was awesome, but I believe that making 3d would 1) make use of the Pandoras hardware and 2)could just be plain eyecandy. I myself am currently incapable of starting on a project like this but thought I would bring my idea to the general public. Thanl you for listening.

-Spadoof :gp2x
A 3D platformer would be great to have, but remaking Cave Story in 3D would simply be whoring out a perfectly executed and perfectly implemented idea. Cave Story is an artist's work, and wanting to take it from 2D to 3D would be like longing for a CGI Gioconda. At least that's how I see this.
Just found something similar to what I was talking about. Even if this game in general is portedI would be happy. No soure code has been released "yet", but will prob be soon.

Watch it all the way through!
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3D Cave Story = R-rated, voices-redone-by-famous-American-actors, storyline-changed My Neighbor Totoro, set in New York, with no Totoro.

This would result in an abomination, IMO.
Maybe it's just my age showing... but I don't like seeing too many 2D classics go 3D.

It's like... I don't know... doing a porn version of Sesame Street. It's just wrong on so many levels...

Spadoof said:
Just found something similar to what I was talking about. Even if this game in general is portedI would be happy. No soure code has been released "yet", but will prob be soon.

Watch it all the way through!

:o That is f-ing awesome! Love it!

The 2D->3D effect reminds me of Crush on PSP. Very nice.
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No, no, no, no!

Cavestory is 2D and it always should remain 2D! 2D to 3D will high likely fail, as it did with lots of games in the past (Metroid Prime, JazzJackrabbit3D, etc). :(

edit: Also, that video looks VERY interesting, it's a different (very unique) style also. Something like that might work.
Prophet said:
Maybe it's just my age showing... but I don't like seeing too many 2D classics go 3D.

*snip* ;)

Nah not your age, even me at my age (17) I hate seeing classics 'revamped' because all it does is destroy what the game was all about. The originality disappears and we don't get anything new.
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i remember playing a mod for quake that turned it into a side-scroller - full 3d graphics but with fixed viewpoint... cant remember the name of it tho.
this kind of thing i would absolutely love, i wish there were more games out there like that.
Cave Story is a masterpiece of 2D Art. I don't want such a Game in 3D. I remember there was a 3D "Metal Slug" and AFAIK it was horrible! 2D Art should stay as 2D Art, I never enjoyed the "Sonic the Hedgehog" 3D Games as much as the good old 2D ones.

...but this FEZ looks great...and the Player Sprite has something from Cave Story. :) I wonder, if the Pandora could handle such a Game, maybe someone has to talk with the Devs. Could be a great Port for the Pandora. :)
Like taking the statue of David and making a robot out of it. Far better is to take the elements of gameplay from those classics you love, write a new story on some new characters and produce an entirely new game and return them to the arcade in spirit.
I get where people are coming from with the 3D update hatred, but I have one counterpoint for you all: Super Mario 64.

That said, I would rather someone make a brand new 3D platformer than a Cave Story one, permission or no.
Ravnos said:
I get where people are coming from with the 3D update hatred, but I have one counterpoint for you all: Super Mario 64.
Am I the only person in the world who found that Super Mario 64 got quite dull quite quickly, due to the fact you had to keep replaying the same stages (albeit performing some different actions each time) an awful lot of times in order to progress?

I mean, I appreciate that it's an important game, I appreciate its influence, and I appreciate that it's a good game on its own merits, but I don't seem to remember having to repeatedly trudge around the same few areas in such a (for want of a better word) repetitive manner in a 2D Super Mario title like I had to in Super Mario 64. :P


That said, I would rather someone make a brand new 3D platformer than a Cave Story one, permission or no.

+1. Agreed. You're more free to use your own ideas instead of trying to update pre-existing ones and live up to the expectations people have for those, that way.
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I like the idea of making a remake with actual 3d graphics (put all effects in this game pandora can handle), but leave the 2d gameplay like it is! :rolleyes:
Nr.56 said:
I like the idea of making a remake with actual 3d graphics (put all effects in this game pandora can handle), but leave the 2d gameplay like it is! :rolleyes:
I agree. I love Cave Story - it's an incredible game. One possibility is updating the game to use 3d models and high-quality graphics and particles and stuff, but leaving the gameplay the same. I wouldn't want to change the 2d nature, just _maybe_ have someone try to do a graphics update.

The chances of Pixel giving permission for this to happen is less than zero though.
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Maybe I should have said this differently. I meant to keep the same story line, same charcters and keep it side scrolling, but make it "2-d/3-d". Trust me, Im not a graphics whore, I just thought it would be interesting to see it semi-redone and touched up. I loved the original and 99% of the games I play are 2d anyways. Sorry for p****** everyone off..........................................................................................................

-Spadoof :gp2x
Spadoof said:
Maybe I should have said this differently. I meant to keep the same story line, same charcters and keep it side scrolling, but make it "2-d/3-d". Trust me, Im not a graphics whore, I just thought it would be interesting to see it semi-redone and touched up. I loved the original and 99% of the games I play are 2d anyways. Sorry for p****** everyone off..........................................................................................................
-Spadoof :gp2x

Nobody is angry at you, most of us just expressed out fondness for the original Cave Story, and think that it is fantastic as it is and as the artist envisioned it in the first place. As others said, better use the efforts to build something new rather than just a fancy remake that doesn't bring much new to the table.

Fez looks great, perhaps if Pandora sales will be alright, the developers could be swayed to bring it over :)
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Well I know this is semi-offsubject but I found another awesome homebrew game. I encoarge everyone to try and play it. Its short but super fun. If ported this game would be great for the touch screen. As soon as its out im asking for the source code.

Crayon Physics:


-Spadoof :gp2x
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Along the lines of Fez is Echochrome - a game for the PSP and PS3. I'd like to see a game with similar gameplay/mechanics.

I wonder how hard a Fez-alike would be to code using a non-voxel engine? Just on the assumption that we can't persuade them to port it in due course, of course...