Yeah, I got Fantasia out from the video shop one night after loving Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion, played for about ten minutes then ignored it for the rest of the night. £2 well spent!
Have to disagree with everyone on World of Illusion though, that's a classic in my books :rolleyes:
Okay, single player is a bit boring, but has anyone tried it on two-player mode?
One of you goes as Mickey, the other Donald, and it's a properly co-operative multiplayer adventure from then on in (superior to Splinter Cell

For example, Donald's rear-end is too big to fit through some crawlspaces, so Mickey has to pull him free, and then there is a mining cart on the second level which requires the players to jump on a see-saw in the right sequence for it to go anywhere. Then best of all is the usage of normal see-saws throughout the game. One player stands on one end, while the other jumps on the other end, sending the first player flying up to a higher ledge. Then the first player can either be selfish and grab all the goodies on the ledge whilst the second player shouts for help, or they can lower a rope down for the second player to climb up.
Excellent game, 9/10!
Mickey Mania was also a grand old game, if only for the graphics. VERY impressive for its time.