Release Capitan Sevilla - the remake


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Capitan Sevilla - the remake (a.k.a Captain "S" remake).

This game is Allegro 4 and very demanding when full detail are selected. By default, it will be on minimum detail and run full speed on a CC (overclocked to 800MHz). You can push the detail, but you may experience slower gameplay (it's ok on the first few level, but I cannot say for later levels, and the Menu is slower).

It is also quite memory hungry, but seems to run on a CC without Swapfile (at least when started from Minimenu).

Default key config is:

DPad to Move

{X} is action (fist for example)

{B} is Select (eat a sausage when you grabbed one)

History log


Build 01


  • Initial Build
  • Using FBlend instead of pure Allegro for some speedup
  • Default Pandora Config
  • Optimized ScanLines to use FBlend and free some memory

Have fun saving Sevilla and eating radioactive sausages :)
Never played in this before, but gfx on screen  [with old CRT emulation] is excellent. I'll give it a try, because im very curious. Thank You for porting this. 
Never played in this before, but gfx on screen  [with old CRT emulation] is excellent. I'll give it a try, because im very curious. Thank You for porting this. 
To have this effect (the CRT emulation), you need to change config and and 1 level of detail and that activate scanlines. That will make the menu screen a bit sluggish, but the gameplay after that is ok (tested on CC@800MHz).
It's me or this game is too HARD ? :lol:
^^ don't forget it's a remake of an old ZX Spectrum game. Like most game of this era, it's damn hard and require you to learn each level by heart. How far can you get ;) (I go the constuction site, but that not far at all).