Jycet has ended his frontend for the cps2emu ported to GP2x by Ell.
What's new:
-capex.gpe compressed with rlyeh's gpecomp v0.4
-add (little) help press X
-add credit info at exit
-add skin by pedator
-add icon by pedator
-add integrated ram tweak option (normal, high, aggressive)
-add message when preview xxx.bmp is not available
-fix a control bug in the windows swap
-fix a very small error in *.cf file generating (supress a X to CAPEXX
and finally now under GPL
v0.5 (no public release):
-chg default capex speed from 80MHz to 66MHz
-add background shadow option
-add loop scrolling list for games and options
-add external skin option
-fix some gfx superposition error
-fix TV-OUT rendering and resolution
-fix freeze browsing when game are in zipnames.cps2 but not in rominfo.cps2
-del internal background for (futur) GPL edition
-cleaning sources
You can see what it does on this link and download it here. The source code is in GPL license and can be found here
What's new:
-capex.gpe compressed with rlyeh's gpecomp v0.4
-add (little) help press X
-add credit info at exit
-add skin by pedator
-add icon by pedator
-add integrated ram tweak option (normal, high, aggressive)
-add message when preview xxx.bmp is not available
-fix a control bug in the windows swap
-fix a very small error in *.cf file generating (supress a X to CAPEXX
and finally now under GPL
v0.5 (no public release):
-chg default capex speed from 80MHz to 66MHz
-add background shadow option
-add loop scrolling list for games and options
-add external skin option
-fix some gfx superposition error
-fix TV-OUT rendering and resolution
-fix freeze browsing when game are in zipnames.cps2 but not in rominfo.cps2
-del internal background for (futur) GPL edition
-cleaning sources

You can see what it does on this link and download it here. The source code is in GPL license and can be found here