Release Cannonball - The Enhanced C++ Outrun Engine

I deleted home* and settings don't save for me.
Oh? Have you donwload the latest Build 09 (from 7th of January), because in Build 08, I forgotten to change a bit of code and Settings was saving in the same folder as the program, instaed of home/ folder.

That's a very nice video by the way !!! (I'll send the link to the author of Cannonbal).
Yep :D

But like mame4all you have to :

- enable tv out in main layer

- launch Cannonball

- push Pandora button

- quote hw scaler

and go back to Cannonball.


Oops, i have the old build. I upgrade at once, thanx for your work I LOVE this game :)
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Nice ^^.

Wow the guy is now on time trial, and the sound bug is fixed !!!

Can you ask him to add a sound volume ? It would be good to lower the engine sound to have full music experience.
Are your sources available somewhere ?

The pnd segfaults under Slack, and i'd like to compile my own.
I'll make an updated tgz of the sources, I haven't refresh the pack.

The crash may be related to the SDL_OpenAudio problem I had with Airball & Teeworlds. I had to enlarge the sound buffers because you ask for a 512 samples buffer, and SDL call with a 2048, so if the buffer is hardcoded (it is most of the time hardcoded, it crash).
I cannot answer to this. I tried a fresh compilation and add a similar behavour. Maybe I have to recheck. I should write some simple test app also to test that. Maybe some Pandora guru can answer ?
Ok, try this: this PND is the same as in the repo, but I have made a *5 in the size of the buffers for sound.cannonball.pnd

And here are the sources. Once untarred, you have to create a "build" folder, then inside that folder a "ccmake ../cmake", configure to your taste, than "c" to validate config/recheck, than "g". You ready than for make (this version has the buffer expanded too).

Good luck.


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fatal error: SDL.h: No such file or directory


# locate SDL.h
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...and working fine ^^.

Created my own separate .pnd, so i share the same config file.

Thank you ^^.
You are welcome, but that is strange that same sources produce a working program on your side and not mine. Compiler version shouldn't be the source of the difference (I use 4.7.2, you have 4.7.1 iirc), so I guess there must be some lib (libstc++ maybe) that make the difference.