Caanoo Vs Wiz

Caanoo VS WiZ

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Still Fresh
Nov 30, 2010
Hey everyone, as you may have been able to tell by the title of this thread, I'm in the market for one of GPH's handhelds, and can't seem to decide between the WiZ and Caanoo. On the one hand, the WiZ has much more mature emulation at this point, a slicker look (IMO), and a plethora of homebrew apps already. The Caanoo is shaping up to be one great handheld, although I'm still unsure about it. The analog stick seems awkward for games built for D-Pads, although the overall aesthetics for the console are pleasing, and the upcoming features seem great.

I'm mostly curious at how long the Caanoo's software development will catch up to the WiZ (GPH really needs to make the consoles compatible!), and whether the WiZ is an overall better buy/tried and true method. Thanks! :lol:
there appears to be plenty of threads about this if you just skim over a couple here in general

it just depends on what you want

1)wait it out to see if the emulation becomes what you want, if you get tired of waiting go to the wiz

2)what button layout do you see yourself liking more? (analog stick functions fine as a dpad btw)

3)what style do you like more? this choice is one of complete personal preference.

in the end you have to weigh the advantages/disadvantages of each, neither is perfect screen sizes batteries controls software, the choice is really a toss up... even considering the points I made and what else you will read. They are basically the same device as hardware goes the caanoo is not a wiz 2... but more like a wiz rev 2
Like jb0yx says, it depends on your preference. The Caanoo will stay around longer and has more capabilities than the Wiz (more RAM, I think, as well as the G-Sensor and Vibration Motor). So, I would go with the Caanoo, but like jb0yx says, there are threads around that address this.
I would say get a Caanoo... but then again, i don't use emulators much, so i don't miss them (if any are missing). We probably have completely different use criteria. The reason i say get a Caanoo is because of the screen. It feels a bit insecure and if it breaks after your warranty and wiz is out of production, you are kinda stuck.

Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy the community :)

Thanks for the quick replies and welcomes everyone :D . Because the emulation for the Caanoo is still quite young at this point, and I need to make one of these purchases soon, I'll probably go with the WiZ for now. On the other hand, I'll probably eventually end up getting both :P

EDIT: Upon closer inspection of prior posts and circumstances that face the WiZ (Thanks Uni!) I'll probably be picking up a Caanoo sometime soon instead. Maybe someday I'll purchase the WiZ, but since I can really only make one pick currently, and the WiZ has definite build-quality/reliability problems, I'm more inclined to go with the Caanoo.

2nd EDIT:

Since I continuously flip-flop in my expectations and needs for either the Caanoo or WiZ, the WiZ seems like a better option at the moment, mostly because its software library is much more mature. Although I probably WILL eventually end up with both handhelds.
I would say the Caanoo is ultimately the better handheld, it's got some minor hardware improvements, most notably that the analogue stick is the best directional input they've manufactured, much better than on the GP2X or Wiz in my opinion.

Granted the emulation scene is not matured yet, we've yet to receive Pocketsnes, GPSP seems to be a little buggy, etc, but it's going to get there.
Older emulated titles actually play just fine on the analogue stick, and if the emulator supports it (such as GPSP), you can adjust the dead-zone for more fluent input.

Unfortunately one of the unattractive things about the Wiz is the attractive OLED displays, which though are beautiful, have a limited lifespan from decaying components.
Like Rupee said, the emulators aren't exceptionally mature, but they are already pretty much better than my old GP2X F-200 was - even the SNES emulator, which is slower than the F-200 PocketSNES I had, is more compatible.
I have both a WIZ and a CAANOO. I have had to send my WIZ back already for screen rot and now the left shoulder button is busted. The CAANOO emulators work great already an some have even more options than the wiz versions such as keboard support and net play. The screen on the CAANOO rules as well. I thought I was going to hate the joystick but after the first firmware update the joystick issues seem to have been sorted out. The WIZ controls drive me crazy. As for emulators not being mature thats kinda BS. A lot of emulators have already been released and are direct ports. The only thing I use my WIZ for now is Turbo Grafx 16 CD games on TEMPER but that is being ported over as well. If you were to buy a CAANOO today you would find it hard to not have enough emulators and homebrew to tide you over while the scene matures.
This post has actually been really helpful, I'm also new to this scene despite having my eye on the Pandora for a looong time <_< .... I decided to go with a cheaper "entry" point to all this and ended up being torn between the Wiz and Caanoo but after seeing the replies here I'll be picking up a Caanoo shortly and look forward to contributing to the development :D
I would say they both have their up and down. (I have both of them)

I think the WIZ screen is really better than the Caanoo. I never had any problem with it for the moment. Unlike the Caanoo, you don't have to be RIGHT in front of the screen to play. Colors are more brightful too.

Of course the Caanoo emuls are "young" but some of them run better on WIZ. Picodrive (more smooth on Sonic), the GBA emul is slower on Caanoo.

The Caanoo doesn't have TEMPER, UAE4ALL, FBA, a good NES and SNES emul, OpenBor, C64, DosBox...

Maybe if GPH release one new handheld every 18 months, what's the point in porting emuls that won't last more than a year ?

(sorry for my english)
BAFelton said:
Maybe if GPH release one new handheld every 18 months, what's the point in porting emuls that won't last more than a year ?

This is something that I'm afarid too. People get tired of having their work wasted.

Another thing that concerns me is the incredible superior amout of topics in Pandora's boards over the caanoo's.
I think developers already got tired of loosing their work. Now they are betting on Pandora because the hardware is better and it might last longer on the scene.
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Yeah, it is sad. All these potential devs and gamers waiting around for a pandora rolling thumbs.

EDIT: It is interesting to see the result of this poll. Apparently GPH did something right with the Caanoo. Although to be fair, we are in the caanoo section. Lets hope they stay behind it for a couple more years so it can reach its full potential.

If the Caanoo would have a keyboard I would buy one immediately. Pandora is stepping in a niche that nobody fills. I have a Pandora, but it has 3 quality issues so it seems GPH is more capable of creating better quality (they learned the hard way..)
Caanoo and Wiz don't seem to be a real major upgrade compared to the GP2X. I mean it will not be able to run a lot more emulators than the GP2X. With a keyboard you would at least have a major hardware upgrade.
Seems to me a great device to buy if you don't have one of the previous devices, but to be honest none of the reviews has convinced me this is a serious upgrade.