Caanoo Firmware Update V1.0.6

CKeichel said:
I am not sure, but I have the feeling, the performance improvements in the What's New really speed up Pitfall II in the VCS 2600 Emulator, but this can also be my imagination.

they set the system clock to 133 Mhz from about ~125's (cant remember the exact number)
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Oh, now my Caanoo works well again, commercial GPH emulators work well again and Picodrive Virtua Racing works like a charm. I don't know why, but my Caanoo lost performance... :S, everything seemed to be slow...
qbertaddict said:
Well the joystick issues seem to be better it is a lot better in the ohboy emu and mame.

Joystick is definitely better, if you scroll a list down in ohboy the scrolling stops, if you stop moving the stick, with the old firmware, it scrolled on.
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Downloaded and flashed the firmware without any difficulty.

I saw a pretty nice bump in performance with CPS2 too, which was a nice surprise.
I also have the official network adapter and it does not work with wpa2. My other generic usb network stick works fine with wpa2. Damn thats pretty crappy of gph if you ask me
qbertaddict said:
I also have the official network adapter and it does not work with wpa2. My other generic usb network stick works fine with wpa2. Damn thats pretty crappy of gph if you ask me

Ive tried the official network adapter on 4 caanoo's and only one did not work. I think that because its an pre production version
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Pickle said:
qbertaddict said:
I also have the official network adapter and it does not work with wpa2. My other generic usb network stick works fine with wpa2. Damn thats pretty crappy of gph if you ask me

Ive tried the official network adapter on 4 caanoo's and only one did not work. I think that because its an pre production version

No luck for me so far.
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It took a few mins but my update worked fine too. Overclocking no longer crashes Mame4all etc. :D
I updated my caanoo. It was fine. I must have a fast SDHC.
Bootloader and firmware update took less than 30 sec each.

I didn't try many things, after the upgrade but it seems fine.
This is what happened in my own case so far.

Copy all the files and dirs in root. Pressing Right when Booting.

I have the message firmware upgrading. For 40-50 seconds.
Then a junk of random pixels all over the screen. For 10-20 seconds.
Then black screen for several minutes (even half an hour)

Then I switched it off. Was it still upgrading or something during the black screen? Did you get this sequence of events?

Then when I opened it, it freezed in the Caanoo logo loading. That was it.

Then I tried to downgrade to the old 1.01 firmware. Same things happening, closed it while on the black screen.

And then TERROR. It didn't even go passed the GPH logo.
I think I ran old firmware downgrade again and left it for 30 minutes in the black screen this time.
Now it's back to normal. But still 1.01.

Now I am trying to run the new firmware again and leave it for as much as it pleases in the black screen.

Do I need another SD card?
Just updated. Still wont let me enter all of my encryption key to connect to my router. (have 26 characters but will only let me input 22.)

The overclock function. Is this something you can select, if so could someone tell me where it is as I am unable to find it.

This is very frustrating!!!
Just a little update.

It finally worked for me, with a different card. It's even an SD-card Micro-SD adapter where I temporary plugged in my micro-sd card from Dingoo just to make the update. And it worked miracles. Phew..

So, the lesson is, if anything wrong happens to you, just try a different SD card.
Samedi said:
The overclock function. Is this something you can select, if so could someone tell me where it is as I am unable to find it.

This is very frustrating!!!

Overclocking is done in the program. In Mame, you can select the clockspeed for every game you start. I am not sure, if it works in Pico Drive as well, cause all games run already at Fullspeed, except the 32x games, were I saw no difference. regardless what clockspeed I tried, but this can be due to the only partial working emulation of the 32x. In Gmenu2x you can select the clokspeed for every single application before you launch it, but I haven't tried the Caanoo version yet, so I don't know, if it is implemented.
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CKeichel said:
Samedi said:
The overclock function. Is this something you can select, if so could someone tell me where it is as I am unable to find it.

This is very frustrating!!!

Overclocking is done in the program. In Mame, you can select the clockspeed for every game you start. I am not sure, if it works in Pico Drive as well, cause all games run already at Fullspeed, except the 32x games, were I saw no difference. regardless what clockspeed I tried, but this can be due to the only partial working emulation of the 32x. In Gmenu2x you can select the clokspeed for every single application before you launch it, but I haven't tried the Caanoo version yet, so I don't know, if it is implemented.

it has not been enabled for gmenu2x since it wasnt supported yet
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Pickle said:
CKeichel said:
Samedi said:
The overclock function. Is this something you can select, if so could someone tell me where it is as I am unable to find it.

This is very frustrating!!!

Overclocking is done in the program. In Mame, you can select the clockspeed for every game you start. I am not sure, if it works in Pico Drive as well, cause all games run already at Fullspeed, except the 32x games, were I saw no difference. regardless what clockspeed I tried, but this can be due to the only partial working emulation of the 32x. In Gmenu2x you can select the clokspeed for every single application before you launch it, but I haven't tried the Caanoo version yet, so I don't know, if it is implemented.

it has not been enabled for gmenu2x since it wasnt supported yet

Thanks for the quick response chaps. I've contacted GPH about the WiFi.
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Seems like Caanoo doesnt like FAT32 for upgrade :/ Just FAT16... be aware of that or will not work.
WalterCool said:
Seems like Caanoo doesnt like FAT32 for upgrade :/ Just FAT16... be aware of that or will not work.

I find that hard to believe, almost everyone uses fat32 and hardly ever fat16. I personally only use fat32, although I would have to check the card i used as it was formatted before i started using it.
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WalterCool said:
Seems like Caanoo doesnt like FAT32 for upgrade :/ Just FAT16... be aware of that or will not work.

The Caanoo seems to fuck up the Filesystem of the card, just wanted to check, if mine was Fat16 or Fat32 (I am pretty sure it was Fat32), but now Windows can access the card with no problem, but shows me the filesystem as Raw.
I know, that I formatted the card, so it can't be raw, I only use this card for the Caanoo, I usually write the Data with my card-reader, which works fine. So the change must be made either by the cardreader or the Caanoo, I suspect it's the Caanoo.
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