Caanoo Appstore

Hi sepulep

It is slowly progressing but right now I am working on the coding competition that I am also organising ( ). But if you have any feedback do share. I think this could be the most awesome app ever for the caanoo.
It's a great idea, but I think you must to show a list with the name and a short description of the application to the right of the icon.
If you click in the icon you download and install the application, if you click in the description, more detailed info is showed.

|      | Name of the app (325 Kb)           |
| icon | Description line 1                 |
|      | description line 2                 |

Another proyect for desktop package manager (Synaptic, iTunes) was made here:

That Wiz program looks very cool. I haven't seen it before, so thanks for the link. I like that layout very much. Lets hope it's not patented ;)
u9i said:
Hi sepulep

It is slowly progressing but right now I am working on the coding competition that I am also organising ( ). But if you have any feedback do share. I think this could be the most awesome app ever for the caanoo.

I would say keep it simple: the app really only needs to be able to download and extract stuff. Anything else (version control, updates etc) is superfluous (in the beginning at least) and risky because I think caanoo development is not that structured. I know you argued against using the, but I think the community is too small to support many different channels of distribution, so I would say try to use the openhandhelds archive - but maybe I am a bit conservative ;) )
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Sepulpep makes a good point - if the download server's separated from the archive, then that will mean any developments will have to be submitted and updated on both fronts. If it's possible or efficient to work with OpenHandhelds, you may want to use that method instead.
hi Uni, any progress in this very interesting work? :rolleyes: i hope yes! :) last reply is dated 1 may...
A little. I have a real problem with the caanoo being so slow to write to the SD card. If a game is too big, it takes forever to install over wifi. Many times longer then it actually takes to plug the card into your computer, find the game in the archive, download it, unzip it, copy it to the sd card and reinsert the sd card into the caanoo.

But this will be on the back burner until the coding competition is over i'm afraid. But i have summoned a little help with the coding :)

i hope when the competition is end, you can return to work on this project, i really hope :rolleyes:
The Store is good idear i want it hope Devs become some space to update there projects to hold the apps up 2 date
so, now the competition is finished, you can return to work on this fantastic app, Uni.. :rolleyes:
if you have the time, naturally ;)
check the progress on pandora so far thanks to the REPO spec...

B-Zar and Cloudef and Dflmster all contributed to this soo far

a bit of info on Panorama its a UI engine/tool which works with plugins such as the milkyhelper REPO plugin :P
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WOOW! if it can work on the caanoo will be FANTASTIC! great work with the repo work.. :D
i think this would be great for the caanoo as im having problems with the fungp website anyway not very user freindly.
Keep up the good work!
Just discovered the youtube video of this.
Though it's never complete.
And anyway, I quite like the openHandhelds browser that also has a description and can download more than games.