C64 Rom Loader Cartridge


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2003
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Would it be possible to make an adapter that fits into the C64 cartridge slot that would enable it to play ROMs? ie. with some kind of storage media such as an SD card, along the lines of the M3 adapter for the DS.

It would be great being able to play all the old C64 games on an actual C64 without the hassle of dodgy tapes and loading times.

Just a thought. In fact, is one available already??

>> I've found this device however it's limited to 64 in-built games, unless you are able to put them on yourself using a "modern EPROM programmer". A little too techy for me. I want to be able to throw 6000 games onto an SD card and go.
Thanks! That's *exactly* what I'm after!

If anyone knows similar products for other old systems let me know. There's something more enjoyable about playing games on the actual system rather than by emulation.
I believe there is software for "burning" disk images to 5¼" floppies for use with the C64. But you need a computer with a 5¼" floppy drive of course.

Then all you have to do is find a good deal on 5¼" floppies.
Blah said:
I believe there is software for "burning" disk images to 5¼" floppies for use with the C64. But you need a computer with a 5¼" floppy drive of course.

Then all you have to do is find a good deal on 5¼" floppies.
You can connect an original 1541 floppy drive with a pc via an x-, xe-, xm- or xa-cable, but I think it is not possible to write a 5 1/4 floppy disc with a normal pc floppy drive.
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Yes you can. Back in the day PCs used 5¼" drives. I have two in my closet. You can still hook them up to a modern computer if you can find a floppy drive ribbon that has plugs for both 3½" and 5¼" drives. The motherboard connector on such cables is still compatible with modern motherboards.
nice site.

I can really recommend the mmc64 to everybody who wants to download files from the internet and to write them on a original floppy disk. It is really easy to use. Furthermore, you can load prg-files directly from the sd card. it is so much fun. I bought my mmc64 from http://www.vesalia.de

EDIT: Just realized that the content of my post is exactly the same as the upper one by Iorgy77. Anyway, I think it is important to point out the advantages of the mmc64 twice.

Blah said:
Yes you can. Back in the day PCs used 5¼" drives. I have two in my closet. You can still hook them up to a modern computer if you can find a floppy drive ribbon that has plugs for both 3½" and 5¼" drives. The motherboard connector on such cables is still compatible with modern motherboards.
I am still not convinced that a 5 1/4 pc floppy drive is able to write the c64 format on the floppy disk without any hardware mods
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the new mmc64 retro replay cartridge (they merged the 2 into 1) apparantly runs D64s now
chaos engineer said:
I just pre-ordered the 1541 Ultimate plus version. All Commodore 64 enthusiasts should support Gideon's promising project as well.

See more Information here:



I posted this in another thread. I think this fits actually better to this one. The 1541 ultimate will apparently be able to emulate the floppy drive almost to 100%. I got the mmc64, but I think this will be even better. As far as I know the most powerful system for the C64.
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