Buy Gp2x Or Wait For Pandora?


Still Fresh
Jun 2, 2008
Ok, so I just recently (2 months ago) discovered what the GP2X can do when it comes to emulation and other media. I must say it is something I am very interested being into handheld consoles and retro games. But tons and tons of attention have been shed to the Frankenstein monster that will be Pandora.

So I guess I'm asking should I just wait for the Pandora to come out and buy one of those, or should I pick up a GP2x if given the chance? From what I have read and seen the GP2X is an incredible system. But if the Pandora is going to be that x100 I think it might be worth waiting for its release.

Not asking for a release dat ehere for Pandora. More of a do I get a GP2X and be happy with all the crazy goodness it can supply? Or do I wait for a Pandora system that is supposed to be cutting edge in technology. Granted I have no idea about firmware or developing skills at all. I'm mainly buying this thing to play all those classic games from my childhood.
It is almost impossible to get the GP2X now. I doubt you will find any in stock anywhere. This has been a problem for months.
Looks like your waiting for the Pandora :) You won`t be disapointed... well you will if you wanted some quality handheld gaming before August/Sept
You could always try ebay or the Marketplace section of the forum if you're really set on a GP2X :)
I'm mainly buying this thing to play all those classic games from my childhood.
If all you are looking for is a emulation handheld - buy and mod a PSP - it's cheaper and can play current commerical games, and surf the web/play videos. It's cheap, (you can get a PSP phatty for about $100 used, and a Pandora's battery [no relation] for about $30), and there are tons of online helps for how to do it.

If you want an awesome all-around device - wait for a Pandora.

The only cavet on this is - if you want to play really old school systems - like ones that needed a keyboard - then the Pandora is going to be your best (only?) option. Also - the power of the Pandora means that it could possibly play N64 games - none of the other handhelds can do that.

I currently already have a modded PSP, (and a modded DS) - but I am still planning on getting a Pandora - but not primarily for games. There's much more value in the system than just gaming. If you just want a super awesome game system that lets you retro game - the Wii is a great bet.
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I'd DEFINITELY wait for the Pandora. It is going to be capable of so much more than the GP2X. Even if you're just wanting it for classic gaming - it's going to be able to emulate so many more systems better than the GP2X because of the processor and graphics chip.

If you can't wait - and I might get flamed for this - I would actually recommend you purchase and mod a Sony PSP for emulation. I compared it to the GP2X before purchasing, and it's more powerful than a GP2x - I've been amazed by it's emulation and homebrew capabilities. That said, I'm still definitely getting a Pandora - and my PSP will take a backseat, though it will still be used for PSP games.
Anybody here ever bought from this website They have GP2X's listed in stock with the F100 used going for 90 bucks. And the brand new F200 going for 170. They seem pretty up front. Also they are listed with the official GP2X store as a place to purchase a GP2X.

I probably will wait for Pandora and contiue my collection of handhelds by getting Neo Geo Pocket Color and Atari Lynx.

I do love my retro gaming but I'm a handheld enthusiast/collector. So the Wii doesn't really intrest me. I mean it does with the crazy innovative gameplay but I'm never home to play consoles so I don't see the point.
Anybody here ever bought from this website They have GP2X's listed in stock with the F100 used going for 90 bucks. And the brand new F200 going for 170. They seem pretty up front. Also they are listed with the official GP2X store as a place to purchase a GP2X.

I probably will wait for Pandora and contiue my collection of handhelds by getting Neo Geo Pocket Color and Atari Lynx.

I do love my retro gaming but I'm a handheld enthusiast/collector. So the Wii doesn't really intrest me. I mean it does with the crazy innovative gameplay but I'm never home to play consoles so I don't see the point.
I purchased an F100 for Christmas the first year of release. I got it for $179 at the time, which was well under the going rate on other sites. The Unit I received was faulty (couldn't get sufficient power from batteries). I contacted them and they shipped me a new unit immediately, without me having to send back my dead unit. I actually had some trouble sending the other unit back to them, actually... but the details have faded to memory.
My recollection was that they were pleasant to deal with. Kinda a small operation, and maybe just a slight bit disorganized.
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chad78 said:
I'm mainly buying this thing to play all those classic games from my childhood.
If all you are looking for is a emulation handheld - buy and mod a PSP - it's cheaper and can play current commerical games, and surf the web/play videos. It's cheap, (you can get a PSP phatty for about $100 used, and a Pandora's battery [no relation] for about $30), and there are tons of online helps for how to do it.

If you want an awesome all-around device - wait for a Pandora.

The only cavet on this is - if you want to play really old school systems - like ones that needed a keyboard - then the Pandora is going to be your best (only?) option. Also - the power of the Pandora means that it could possibly play N64 games - none of the other handhelds can do that.

I currently already have a modded PSP, (and a modded DS) - but I am still planning on getting a Pandora - but not primarily for games. There's much more value in the system than just gaming. If you just want a super awesome game system that lets you retro game - the Wii is a great bet.
Or, depending on what you want, the DS. That uses an onscreen keyboard for many emulation tasks.
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Ordered my new F200 less than a month ago from GP2xstore and received it in 2 days.

As to your question. The GP2X is a great piece of hardware, and if you can afford both I would say go for it, but if, like the rest of us you are on a limited budget then do the smart thing and wait for the Pandora.

p B)
I checked just for fun, and it seems the price for the F-200 went down to $119 in like two hours...
chad78 said: can get ... a Pandora's battery [no relation] for about $30...
You shouldn't advocate/support people who are trying to profit from other people's work. There are plenty of people you can find online who will either mod your battery for the price of the shipping or will send you a modded battery for the price of a regular battery (hell, I'll do it if you ask nicely). Fanjita and noobz were pretty clear on this point.

See here:
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So the consensus on the Pandora forum is.... get a Pandora.

Here in the uk there are only a couple of F200's on, so I guess people are hanging on to them.
craigix said:
God I wish the F200 had been the original version of the GP2X back in 2005.

It would have been a sensational success.
but none of that matters now since you're going to be releasing the :pandora1:. :)
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