Bug Warning


Certified Guru
Feb 16, 2004
Hiya lads, somebodys discovered a bug which can currupt your maps so i better make it public so it'll be avoided.

the bug is in the map resizing, basically dont use it - even tho you change the map size it doesn't change the setting in the MAP SETTING file and therefore when it trys to load it again, it doesn't fit and it just borks on you..

i've already fixed the code, but i can't release a new demo just yet.. so please just avoid map resizing, i'll update this post once i find a way of tested method of fixing the maps which have died.

dont worry! the maps are fine, its just the settings file which'll need to be replaced :)
made a bug fix (gigas 0.6.6) and it loaded the map which was currupted by resizing with 0.6.5 without any hitchs, just need Oct to come on MSN so he can let me know if it fix's it with him and i'll release it on the sly and hope nobody notices

occcccccccccccccttoo, come out come out wherever you are
np, i'll catch you later and send you the latest version to test out (if you dont mind that is).

im pretty sure its fixed and your maps will now load without any hassle, adding a couple of extra's too (body guard AI etc) to make up for the bug :P
ray!!! more AI :P

I have finally finished all my uni work for the year, so I can devote a LOT more time to things like this. Just searching and collecting Zelda tilesets at the mo. Hmmm....this is gonna be fun :D
agreed, making a game with somebody elses sets if fun - but using your own is far more rewarding as you get to see it all "come together" and most of the time its better than you expected it to look :)

takes a hell of a lot of time tho creating tilesets :P
Octo got the latest beta, and his map now loads again :)

if your thinking about resizing make sure you download the latest beta, if you dont need all the files - just copy the new .fxe over the old one and your sorted.