Bs1 Using Scummvm


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Can someone please tell me exactly how you'd get broken sword (brilliant game) to work on the gp32 using scummvm. btw I do have it on disk.
Sorry to sound rude but I am copying this straight from my 'standard' email as I have been asked this 20+ times already in the last few weeks :( ;). Nothing personal in the slightest :D :D.


I am still working on ScummVM for the GP32 but it will never support any of the hi-res games that are supported by ScummVM 0.6.0’s engine like Broken Sword, Curse of Monkey Island etc.

There are 3 main reasons for this, firstly the games screen resolution is at least double that of the GP32 so there is no way to view the games on the GP32’s screen in a playable fashion (showstopper in it’s own right) and secondly the games came on several CD’s so there is no way you could strip the games down to under 128MB to fit on a large SMC and still keep enough of the game to be playable, thirdly, most of the newer games require 500-800MHz PCs so our poor little GP32 is a little on the ‘lite’ side to keep up.

When I have got some time to finish knocking bugs out of the 0.6.0 GP32 port it should support Fate of the Amazon Queen and Beneath a Steel Sky along with the existing LucasArts games, I am also trying to get OGG/MP3 support a little faster and sort MIDI support but the timeframe for any releases is a little ‘when/if’ as I have a number of other commitments that take my time away from code.


John Willis
Thanks very much for helping and good luck with making it. I just wanna say thanks to everyone making stuff for the gp32(I can't program for shit :( ) because if we didn't have you guys we couldn't do anything with em part from play the offical games and mp3's! :D :lol: :P