Book from Wikipedia articles about the Pandora, SCAM?

It looks to me like a self-published title, like something you could make yourself on LuLu -

I'm not sure of the legality of publishing Wiki articles commercially within a book, but I suspect that the authors of the articles contained within the book were not asked permission. It's probably not a scam, as I presume you will get the book, but the book in itself is of a dubious nature.

I'd avoid.
Apparently there are 'publishers' converting wikipedia articles to books to sell them to libraries (who often do not check the contents)... this looks something like this..
I'd avoiding this...but why not write a book about current Pandora history...and sell to fund the old preorder queue ?

What do you think about it ?
I would write one with a lot of information about the development as well, but I don't have the time.
I'm not sure of the legality of publishing Wiki articles commercially within a book, but I suspect that the authors of the articles contained within the book were not asked permission.
They gave their permission by clicking "Save Page" after writing the article. Wikipedia material is available under Creative Commons attribution/share alike and GFDL.
It's made with automated software. The result is probably terrible. Who knows what poorly selected material was crammed into this to fill 160 pages. They are offering hundreds of thousands of so-called books ripped from Wikipedia. Chances are that most of them, including this one, were never printed a single time.
Would be interesting to know if they will usecstuff from the Pandorawiki, too as there is not enough stuff on wikipedia to fill that much sites.

But probably not.
Yeah, they probably just follow links in the wikipedia page to some search depth. With so many books available covering such niche topics they probably just had a program make a book for all articles that passed a certain threshold of length and links, maybe views if they have access to that information. Definitely not something they could afford to give even the tiniest bit of human oversight towards unless there's some big problem that draws attention to one specific book.

The software isn't smart enough to use the main picture in the article as the book cover so I doubt it's very competent overall.
Nice to see Link's Video again.

I remember all those shoulder buttons we had to scratch.

Good old times :) .
"Books on demand".

I'm sure as well its just a 'screen scraper' doing wiki -> printed.

Someone ask it for Books on Demand.. edition. "I demand Goatse!"

I'd rather like to watch a documentary on the Pandora than a book, to be honest.
There is a video/documentary about the rebirth of the pandora. let me see if I can find it
Sweet! Thanks... But I actually meant a long documentary with interviews, history of the project and so on. (This video is cool anyway)
I know you did.

But I thought you might want to take a look at the closet thing we have to a documentary  ;)
If someone is putting enough effort into printing wiki articles and stapling them into " books" I think that proves there IS outside interest into the Pandora . In my opinion good news . FREE PUBLICITY .