I also bought a bob, but my mk1 with bob behaves slightly different. When I power up the Bob, but not the GP2X the GP2X also shows the white lines you get with flat batteries. Basically I cannot get the GP2X to boot unless I activate the bob and GP2X at exactly the same time, which is not so easy.
I e-mailed gp2x.co.uk about this, but having a 2nd reference (this forum) can't hurt.
I also noticed that the current drawn by the B-Board when the GP2X is not activated is quite high. On itself that's not so important but as the power supplies are obviously linked though the ext-connector cable I was wondering if the problem can be resolved by disconnecting the Vcc in the cable. (So the GP2X will not receive any power from the breakout board when only the BB is activated, and the GP2X power will not be used to power the BB.) Would that cause a problem with the USB-host functionality? I suspect that the "incorrect" voltage (supplied though the bob) causes the reset of the gp2x to fail. I don't see why that would cause the gp2x to fail booting though when no power is supplied to the bob. Of cause this is all speculation as I haven't had the time to properly investigate the problem. Maybe this weekend
Does anyone have some thoughts about this?