Bob Dock?


Well-Known Member
Um...before I go ahead and start actually making a bob dock...or something... I have a few questions for everyone in the hopes that someone *hopefully* might know...
1. Uh..did anyone ever order a custom plastic mold? If so, do you know how much one would costs? (for about a aproxiamately [size=-1]6" x 1" x 1.5" plastic dock thingy...)
2. ...anything else suggested?

These are just random weird ideas of a bored teen...thus I might or might not do anything at all...
I read (in the BoB topic, I believe) that in the U.S. it would cost ~$10k ... overseas, ~$2k
Whao...that's cool... thanks alot for that one. Wait a second, does anyone have a link to that hot water plastic thing? I think it was somewhere in the gp2x stand thread. If you can think of it off the top of your head, it, but I'll peruse the thread.
I made a post about PolyMorph Here
And there are some pictures of the "stand" (which I hope to make into a BOB) I made from the stuff Here

It's fun to play with :)
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