Blue LED case mod


Still Fresh
May 14, 2003
I just finished my blue LED case mod. I basically swapped the original red power LED for a nice blue one, and well, it looks gorgeous, to say the least. As soon as I get near a digital camera I'll make a photo to show off :P

If you're thinking about doing this mod yourselves, be warned, it's not for the faint of heart and it's not for anyone with nervous hands or something. First of all you have to disassemble the GP32 completely, and this includes disconnecting the display (=dealing with the flimsy "connector foil") and handling a ESD sensitive PCB. Then you have to unsolder and solder tiny SMD LEDs, and if I say tiny, I mean TINY. They are a mere 1.6mm x 0.8mm small! Believe me, I was really glad when I finally saw the nice blue light emitting from this little bugger B)

I also corrected the wrong wiring of the internal speakers, but that's another story ;)

Besides the frontlight I'd really like to see offered as a DIY kit the only mod left could be a reset button, this off/on switching routine is slightly annoying.
Why dont you also spray paint it??

But Waht color would be best to go with the blue led??
jlebrech posted on May 14 2003 said:
Why dont you also spray paint it??

But Waht color would be best to go with the blue led??
Silver...... :D
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I don't think spraypainting it is a very good idea, it feels funny when you spraypaint something and then use it, it loses the soft, slippery feel of the plastic and instead becomes a slightly rough and sticky texture.
i'd like to see a LED mod that changes colour with battery level?

the speaker mod is interesting, if the option isn't added to the emus.
Slightly OT, but it looks like the DIY FLU kit will use the ext connector. Since there is a reset line on the ext connector, I wish they would include a reset button with the light kit.

Since they probably won't, it should be trivial to add one. Putting the button at the bottom of the screen should work fine, I don't see it getting hit by accident very often.

I wonder when/if the light kit is coming out?
Ranma13 posted on May 14 2003 said:
I don't think spraypainting it is a very good idea, it feels funny when you spraypaint something and then use it, it loses the soft, slippery feel of the plastic and instead becomes a slightly rough and sticky texture.
You can try a plastic dye kit instead. That should actually soak into the plastic.. used for automobile interiors etc.. check out

Don't blame me if you screw up your GP32 doing this this though. I haven't tried it, but I know it is a technique that is used every once in a while in PC case modding circles.
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skab posted on May 14 2003 said:
I just finished my blue LED case mod. I basically swapped the original red power LED for a nice blue one, and well, it looks gorgeous, to say the least. As soon as I get near a digital camera I'll make a photo to show off :P
I did that with my Dreamcast (pictured; I also replaced the shell), as well as with my Atari 7800. My Jaguar's getting a purple LED mod at some point. :D

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Cool, im gonna mod all of my stuff when I get the chance. I think that would be Nes, Dreamcast, and Xbox...but not my gp32 or gameboy..(the origonal crappy huge black version)
smash posted on May 14 2003 said:
nice dreamcast liquidcross, have you moded your modem? you can put a light in it. Mine glows blue, its nice.
No, I use the broadband adapter. ;)
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