abigsmurf posted on Oct 19 2005 at 06:51 PM said:
iignotus posted on Oct 19 2005 at 11:26 PM said:
Use a firewall, some antivirus, and something like ad-aware. It's just common sense, I can't believe there's even a debate about it. My Windows machine, in its 5 years of existance, on the internet, has only had 2 viruses, and they were both due to a user error. Don't even attempt to use that tired excuse that "Ohhh no, it's going to happen anyways" because it won't if you learn how to use a computer. Windows is insecure -- so MAKE it secure.
It's so damned simple.
This is a family PC, I can't implement ultra strict firewall rules otherwise I end up with my family coming to me asking why they can't use their program and it doesn't matter if you've got adaware or not. You can have microsoft anti-spyware, spybot and Adaware running and adware still installs itself and gets past them.
Heck you can get infected before you've finished downloading updates minutes after a fresh install.
You may be one of the people who disables activex, java etc. and have firewall settings that tightly control the settings of every program and needs lots of tinkering but thats not an option for this PC.
Who says you have to have "ultra-strict firewall rules"? Just do like every other netizen with a good fw setup and only block the ports that you don't use/no one should use under normal circumstances anyway: ftp, ssh, netbios, etc. If you learn how to use a firewall, it won't be restrictive at all, but it will be incredibly useful. :rolleyes:
Why would you have Microsoft anti-spyware? Get a good product; same goes with your anti-virus. And if you use these programs correctly, things won't get by
unless you do something incredibly stupid (and even then, any good program will recover from it).
About the "getting infected before installing protection" comment, have you ever heard of burning a CD or putting files on a USB drive so that you can install them without a connection to the internet? Once again, common sense.
Everyone should disable activeX, since there is *no reason* to need that technology in the first place. Anything that can be done with activeX can be done elsewhere, usually still within the browser, without the ridiculous security holes. And why would I want to disable Java? :unsure: unless you mean JavaScript, which doesn't usually need to be disabled except for the annoying stuff.
Safety is an option for your computer. A 'family computer' is just an excuse for laziness since you can put the blame on someone else if your system comes crashing down. If you would just read up and learn how to protect your own investment, then you won't have all these hassles. You obviously have severe problems with the insecurity of your computer if you need to re-install that often (which doesn't matter since you don't do it correctly anyways), so
fix it.
And why are you using Internet Explorer anyways? It's just another reason for some of your security problems.