Better Nes Emulation?


Jan 11, 2005
I've used the latest NesterGP and tried out LittleJohn. I totally dig LJ much more. It seems to emulate speed and sound on some games with no problems.

I do hear about how NesterGP has better game support so thats a plus there. On PC my fav NES emu is VirtuaNES. It rocks! It runs everything and emulates so many types of hardware.

Do you think we'll ever have an NES Emu that has no issues like the latest PC ones do? We have Dr.MD showing whats possible I think we should be able to get the same level of quality in NES emulation.


the speed is there, but the sound sometimes goes a bit weird when you move about.. especially in the mario games.

Maybe there will be updates soon, who knows.. not been any recently for emu's.

Sometimes you wait ages and nothing comes, then u get a shed full of em sometime later :D
The only thing I want that isn't all the way there yet, pertaining to NES is frame rate. On LJ, most games run about 30 fps. I want 60. If you turn off sound, most games run at 60 fps, at it looks so much better. I think Nester could do it, its almost there.
Yes, by this topic I definitly want to send encouragement to the authors. The emu's play a big role in GP32's life in my opinion.

Keep the work goin guys! :)
Blah posted on Feb 7 2005 at 05:34 AM said:
The only thing I want that isn't all the way there yet, pertaining to NES is frame rate. On LJ, most games run about 30 fps. I want 60. If you turn off sound, most games run at 60 fps, at it looks so much better. I think Nester could do it, its almost there.

Why? What difference does it make for you if an emu runs with sound constant at 30 fps or constant at 60 fps?

30 fps is absolutely playable & enjoyable...
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Go to the beta test section, have a look at the topic "overclocked stuff", download any version you want (currently available: 156 and up), and set Vsync on, FS0
The only problem I've ever had with LJ is this strange bug in california games, where you can only do selected events, BMX and something else makes LJ crash.
Thraka posted on Feb 7 2005 at 04:26 AM said:
I've used the latest NesterGP and tried out LittleJohn.  I totally dig LJ much more.  It seems to emulate speed and sound on some games with no problems. 

I do hear about how NesterGP has better game support so thats a plus there.  On PC my fav NES emu is VirtuaNES.  It rocks! It runs everything and emulates so many types of hardware.

Do you think we'll ever have an NES Emu that has no issues like the latest PC ones do?  We have Dr.MD showing whats possible I think we should be able to get the same level of quality in NES emulation.



It all comes down to how optimised the code is. Unfortunatly most emus for the GP32 are ports of bloated PC emus and not written directly for the GP32 like DrMD is. If the code was optimised and ASM was used for cores I think that the 8-bit systems should all run at 60 FPS at 133 Mhz.

NES, GB, GBC, C64, Atari 800, SMS, GG, older arcade games, PC-Engine, could ALL run perfect with sound if they were written from scratch. That is a lot of work though and porting is much easier which is why it is not at that point yet.
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DaveC posted on Feb 7 2005 at 11:33 AM said:
It all comes down to how optimised the code is. Unfortunatly most emus for the GP32 are ports of bloated PC emus and not written directly for the GP32 like DrMD is. If the code was optimised and ASM was used for cores I think that the 8-bit systems should all run at 60 FPS at 133 Mhz.

NES, GB, GBC, C64, Atari 800, SMS, GG, older arcade games, PC-Engine, could ALL run perfect with sound if they were written from scratch. That is a lot of work though and porting is much easier which is why it is not at that point yet.

Yes this is very true. Is LJ written from scratch? I don't know what code it is based on. Having all the 8-Bit emu's written for the GP32 would be so Idea. If I could start on one I probobly would but I cannot even write one for the PC
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LJ Readme said:
Little John GP32 is a NES emulator for the GP32, written by me.
It uses various sources :

Nofrendo, Shatbox, Nester & derivated (NesterDC, NNNesterJ, PocketNester, ...),
ShatBox, FCA (for gba), Little John NG.
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Um, I get 60fps on most games on Little John... only a few games I've tried (out of over 100) run slower... Castlevania 3 runs about 30fps (yet the Japanese version runs 60... odd), and Mario 3 will slow down to mid 50's sometimes. This is with sound (medium quality and mid filter). I usually just leave frameskip set to 0 or auto, or 1 for the few slower games like those I mentioned.

95% of the games I've tried run full speed... though some do seem to run a bit slower... just barely noticeable, even though they are running 60fps.
your eye cant really pick up anything after 30 frames per second so something running at 30 or higher should look basically the same. Normal video is only 29.7 frames per second so something running at 40 or 50 should look fine
dpoarch posted on Feb 8 2005 at 06:25 AM said:
your eye cant really pick up anything after 30 frames per second so something running at 30 or higher should look basically the same. Normal video is only 29.7 frames per second so something running at 40 or 50 should look fine

The above is an ill-informed reply.

An eye can quite easily pick up movement over 30fps. Try watching a film (which is around 24 fps) and then a TV show done on interlaced video (approx 60fps, 480i for NTSC viewers or 50fps, 576i for PAL viewers) and you will see a rather large difference.

The eye can, however, accept 24fps images as "real". Any lower and it starts getting too choppy for the eye to beleive.I personally cannot tell if something is above 60fps, though some people might be able to.

This reply is pretty off topic, but I thought I might as well say it. I'm sick of people saying that anything over 30fps is not visibly different to the eye, as its just not true.

EDIT: Little John rocks and I dont know why people complain about it. I've never had any problems with it. If anything, the games run a bit slower than usual (not frameskip wise, more like actual speed), but since I'm used to playing games on PAL systems, it doesnt bother me.

Also, to the guy who complained that California Games didnt work properly, play the far superior Master System version instead. Its emulated properly, and has an extra game if my memory serves me correctly.
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Yeah that not seeing above 30fps thing is bogus... you can EASILY see a difference between 30 and 60fps on Littlejohn or anything else...30fps will appear to stutter or be just the slightest bit choppy compared to 60fps which runs butter smooth.

BTW Horscht, I tried a few of the different oveclocked LJ's but none of them worked right even with FS0 on and VSync on... always either too fast or too slow. And as you know, setting FS to auto makes the sound all screwy.
the 24/30 fps eye-perception is pretty much the lower limit for 'transparent'ish animation, as swisscheeseman says.

I heard once the upper limit is about 100-110 fps. personally, I can tell the difference between 85 and 100 (there was a nice physics demo I found before where you manipulated 3de shapes using the mouse, and it had gravity, friction, and inertia effects... 85hz looked good, but 100hz looked *amazing*, though i had to down the resolution to 640x480 because my gfx card couldn't handle it*)

blah, use 0.3 version of littlejohn. it's *much* smoother at default speed for some reason. 60fps galore :)
0.3 version of little john runs smoother? Is it missing anything that 0.4 has?
Blah posted on Feb 9 2005 at 02:01 AM said:
Yeah, but none of the emulators do 60fps with vsync on *sigh*

LJGP runs 60fps with vsync the Mega Man Series.
You have to turn frameskip to 0, as AutoFramesekip needs some cpu power ;)

Full speed :)
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Tried that. When you have the fps on 0 rather than AUTO, the sound slows down when it gets bogged. So its only a illusion, so you still dont get "full speed, vsync, + full fps". It says it runs at about 95% nes speed or less at those settings.
Blah posted on Feb 11 2005 at 05:10 AM said:
Tried that. When you have the fps on 0 rather than AUTO, the sound slows down when it gets bogged. So its only a illusion, so you still dont get "full speed, vsync, + full fps". It says it runs at about 95% nes speed or less at those settings.

Well, played Mega Man 1 + 2 with these settings without any slowdowns.
I used, however, LJGP 0.3 which is known to run slightly faster than 0.4
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