I've used the latest NesterGP and tried out LittleJohn. I totally dig LJ much more. It seems to emulate speed and sound on some games with no problems.
I do hear about how NesterGP has better game support so thats a plus there. On PC my fav NES emu is VirtuaNES. It rocks! It runs everything and emulates so many types of hardware.
Do you think we'll ever have an NES Emu that has no issues like the latest PC ones do? We have Dr.MD showing whats possible I think we should be able to get the same level of quality in NES emulation.
I do hear about how NesterGP has better game support so thats a plus there. On PC my fav NES emu is VirtuaNES. It rocks! It runs everything and emulates so many types of hardware.
Do you think we'll ever have an NES Emu that has no issues like the latest PC ones do? We have Dr.MD showing whats possible I think we should be able to get the same level of quality in NES emulation.