Ico and Shadow of the Colossus (and yes, they are connected)
I rented Shadow of the Colossus recently and I have no idea why you think this game has a good story. It only says "This girl is dead, go kill some giants to revive her".
Never played Ico so I can't comment on that one.
If all you can see in a story is what is "says" then you aren't ready for true art, go back to simple stories that spoon feed you everything.
Oh my god, an art git :lol: I suppose next you'll be telling me that a black square on a white background carries a deep metaphorical meaning that can only be truly comprehended by those who have abandoned all their mortal ideals and deeply immersed themselves in the universal feeling.
Seriously. Let me summarize the story a little more:
1) Girl got sacrificed.
2) "Forbidden place" exists where people can be resurrected.
3) To resurrect her, kill 16 giants, thereby destroying sixteen statues.
That's all I was told. Not more. I killed four bosses, I think, then it got incredibly boring. So what, pray, is the deeper meaning of this game? The giants are negative human emotions? They symbolize the hurdles in every man's life and by defeating this seemingly indestructible beast/jumping this mountainous hurdle he rises above his equals and soon becomes akin to the gods? Or something along those lines?
The game was incredibly boring (I can see how people can like it, but constantly holding down the R1 button is not my idea of fun), so I did not finish it, you're right there. So if the story suddenly turns into a great empathetic debate about philosophy I did not catch it. Agreed.
So far, the story is "Girl dead, go kill Giants".
Also, from what you said, it sounds like you never finished the game or even got half way through. Until you finish the game, you really have no idea how great the story really is. I remember reading The Sun Also Rises by Hemmingway. After the first 50 pages or so, I wanted to quit reading it. I thought it was boring and pointless. Up until finishing the novel I still felt the same way. However, after finishing it, I started thinking about it more deeply and I now love that novel.
Great. I still did not like the game neither did I see a great story.
Many people will read The Sun Also Rises and never really understand it. The same thing can be said for Shadow of the Colossus.
Thankfully people like you will always be willing to help miserable gits like myself to attain knowledge

I would be very happy if you could explain the greatness of the story to me so I may appreciate it too.... and until then I'll just play killer7