Best Videogame Plot

FFX. The storyline was genius, I honestly don't think sqeen are gonna have beaten it with 12.

I fully agree. Not only were the graphics and music perfect, the storyline was mature and very compelling. I haven't had this kind of feeling after finishing a game till I finished Drakengard a week ago. (It's a shame how underrated Drakengard is...)
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I just checked ebay for final fantasy 7 prices out of sheer curiousity................. :)

I paid 10 bucks for the full set from a friend of nearly 7 years who moved away. (I still stay in touch with him though). What a deal, eh? :)
My deal is better (IMO)l

I once bought a n64 which came with 13 games, including Mario Kart Racing.
Well, I never played the game anyway.
A friend who has FF7 (I borrowed and finished it once, but wanted to play it again) offered it to trade with Mario Kart Racing.

(I actually bought all my other FF games though :P)
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus (and yes, they are connected)

I rented Shadow of the Colossus recently and I have no idea why you think this game has a good story. It only says "This girl is dead, go kill some giants to revive her".
Never played Ico so I can't comment on that one.
If all you can see in a story is what is "says" then you aren't ready for true art, go back to simple stories that spoon feed you everything.

Oh my god, an art git :lol: I suppose next you'll be telling me that a black square on a white background carries a deep metaphorical meaning that can only be truly comprehended by those who have abandoned all their mortal ideals and deeply immersed themselves in the universal feeling.
Seriously. Let me summarize the story a little more:
1) Girl got sacrificed.
2) "Forbidden place" exists where people can be resurrected.
3) To resurrect her, kill 16 giants, thereby destroying sixteen statues.
That's all I was told. Not more. I killed four bosses, I think, then it got incredibly boring. So what, pray, is the deeper meaning of this game? The giants are negative human emotions? They symbolize the hurdles in every man's life and by defeating this seemingly indestructible beast/jumping this mountainous hurdle he rises above his equals and soon becomes akin to the gods? Or something along those lines?
The game was incredibly boring (I can see how people can like it, but constantly holding down the R1 button is not my idea of fun), so I did not finish it, you're right there. So if the story suddenly turns into a great empathetic debate about philosophy I did not catch it. Agreed.
So far, the story is "Girl dead, go kill Giants".

Also, from what you said, it sounds like you never finished the game or even got half way through. Until you finish the game, you really have no idea how great the story really is. I remember reading The Sun Also Rises by Hemmingway. After the first 50 pages or so, I wanted to quit reading it. I thought it was boring and pointless. Up until finishing the novel I still felt the same way. However, after finishing it, I started thinking about it more deeply and I now love that novel.

Great. I still did not like the game neither did I see a great story.

Many people will read The Sun Also Rises and never really understand it. The same thing can be said for Shadow of the Colossus.

Thankfully people like you will always be willing to help miserable gits like myself to attain knowledge ;) I would be very happy if you could explain the greatness of the story to me so I may appreciate it too.... and until then I'll just play killer7 ;)
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Playboy mansion!

:lol: ...Seriously though, I'd have to say warcarft (not the first one, somewhere around the second and third, leading into wow) and... metal gear solid
Oh my god, an art git :lol:
Oh my god, a dumbass :lol:
Videogames are a form of art, so I guess we are all "art gits"

Great. I still did not like the game neither did I see a great story.
Without completing the game, you really have no way to judge the story.
Thankfully people like you will always be willing to help miserable gits like myself to attain knowledge ;) I would be very happy if you could explain the greatness of the story to me so I may appreciate it too.... and until then I'll just play killer7 ;)
I can't tell if you're serious or not (I would guess not), but either way I don't want to explain it to you before you experience it for yourself. Finish the game and then come back here with your questions. It would help if you completed Ico as well.

I'm sure I could write pages of arguments, but it wouldn't change your opinion.

Some interesting links:
Shadow of the Colossus at gamers choice awards
EuroGamer story discussion
Quote from above link:
that is exactly what I love about it and exactly what separates it so much from all other games.

That they aren't holding your hand and explaining everything.
I agree completely

Here's something you should read:
Advancements in Story-Telling in SoTC
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Oh my god, an art git :lol:
Oh my god, a dumbass :lol:
Videogames are a form of art, so I guess we are all "art gits"

Great. I still did not like the game neither did I see a great story.
Without completing the game, you really have no way to judge the story.
Thankfully people like you will always be willing to help miserable gits like myself to attain knowledge ;) I would be very happy if you could explain the greatness of the story to me so I may appreciate it too.... and until then I'll just play killer7 ;)
I can't tell if you're serious or not (I would guess not), but either way I don't want to explain it to you before you experience it for yourself. Finish the game and then come back here with your questions. It would help if you completed Ico as well.

I'm sure I could write pages of arguments, but it wouldn't change your opinion.

Some interesting links:
Shadow of the Colossus at gamers choice awards
EuroGamer story discussion
Quote from above link:
that is exactly what I love about it and exactly what separates it so much from all other games.

That they aren't holding your hand and explaining everything.
I agree completely

Here's something you should read:
Advancements in Story-Telling in SoTC
I played ICO once, got mixed feeling about it, couldn't find the bloody save point and never played again :(
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[ . . . GIANT QUOTE . . . ]
I played ICO once, got mixed feeling about it, couldn't find the bloody save point and never played again :(
How far did you get?
The save points are the benches, you have to get yorda to sit on one with you, this can be achieved by taking her hand (r1) and then pushing the joystick towards the bench when you are next to it.

Also, please remove that giant quote :P

Quote about Ico:
"The one game [of its generation] that I felt transported us to another place that had living characters we actually cared about. The artwork and castle design were stellar and seemed truly inspired - an obvious labor of love. [And] the hand holding mechanic between the hero and the girl was nothing short of genius" -Oddworld Inhabitants cofounder Lorne Lanning
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Oh my god, an art git :lol:
Oh my god, a dumbass :lol:
Videogames are a form of art, so I guess we are all "art gits"

No. Video games area form of entertainment. Alternatively if you program a game with the intent of creating a piece of art you are not actually programming a game. But a piece of art. And I should know. Because I'm always right. And I'm an artist, by the way.

Great. I still did not like the game neither did I see a great story.
Without completing the game, you really have no way to judge the story.

Doesn't change a thing. If I have to suffer through several hours of mindnumbing boredom to get hit with a great storyline the story is flawed because it is not captivating.

Thankfully people like you will always be willing to help miserable gits like myself to attain knowledge ;) I would be very happy if you could explain the greatness of the story to me so I may appreciate it too.... and until then I'll just play killer7 ;)
I can't tell if you're serious or not (I would guess not), but either way I don't want to explain it to you before you experience it for yourself. Finish the game and then come back here with your questions. It would help if you completed Ico as well.

Of course I am. I am always serious.
But it's very nice of you to not ruin the missing suspense for me. I'm not going to play htis game anymore - as I have said, I rented it and didn't like it. And if I have to play another game to appreciate the great story of the first game... you know what, find that one out for yourself :D

I'm sure I could write pages of arguments, but it wouldn't change your opinion.

Na. I don't have opinions. I tell truths :D However I might choose to change the truth if you give me a good argument.

Some interesting links:
Shadow of the Colossus at gamers choice awards
EuroGamer story discussion
Quote from above link:
that is exactly what I love about it and exactly what separates it so much from all other games.

That they aren't holding your hand and explaining everything.
I agree completely

Here's something you should read:
Advancements in Story-Telling in SoTC

OK, I read the links.
First of all, why should I care if other people liked the game? I didn't. The other people are not important. They will not change my enjoyment of anything because I don't enjoy things based on what other people like.
Gamasutra had a very nice article, however this doe snot change a thing. Yes, I understand that the land is desolate and that the protagonist is alone. I got that already. Let me ride for two-three minutes, let's say five, and I will probably accept it as a stylistic device. But force me to basically waste most of my time and I get pissed. Yes, the idea was good. No, it doe snot improve the gameplay and has NO RELATION TO THE PLOT. The story remains unchanged. No matter if they make me ride the way or just tell me how much time I took, the story itself does not change.
For a good story there are many good games. But I do not see a good storyline in Shadow of the Colossus.

Try killer7 on the other hand. Now there's a good storyline, even if it's pretty hard to understand at all :D
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You said that videogames aren't art, they are entertainment. Can't they be both? What about music? Music is art and is also entertainment. The same goes for movies/tv and videogames.

The reason I posted the awards was to show you that most people loved the game and its story. This is important in this thread because the original poster wanted to know what game stories other people enjoyed.

The gameplay devices in that article are CRITICAL to the story because they make the player emotionally attached to the characters in the game. Without that attachment, you have no reason to care what happens to the characters.

You obviously did not like the game.
There is no point in continuing this, we disagree and neither will consider the others point of view.

EDIT: If you have questions about the plot, read HERE (just remember, reading this before finishing the game may ruin it for you)
Am I the only one making serious attempts to list decent storylines?

And Mosch, games CAN be considered art. Look at the lush environments in Unreal 2003 or the designs of PC/console racing game tracks. Each pixel is created to give the feeling of immersion, a reality. Any creative endeavor designed to have the perfect look in the name of aesthetics or entertainment can be called art.

Just like my short stories or poetry could be considered art or music could be considered art.
And by saying you're always right only serves to prove how wrong you can be, because there is no such thing as always right.
I was talking to someone about game storylines a while back, and I can't for the life of me remember the one we both agreed was the best.

I know, I know... quoting yourself is the first sign of madness!

But, I actually remembered what game it was this morning, while playing FEAR. Second Sight!
I played it on the GameCube and the controls were done really well. The story plods along not making much sense with a few key points appearing now and then (but you don't care too much, slightly intrigued maybe) and then you're told something that changes the entire purpose of the game.

I'd say more, but I think it's a game you have to play and experience for yourself.
It's on the other consoles as well (and the PC), but I can't comment on what the controls are like.

Edit: Could have mentioned FEAR as well - but for the opposite reason.
I like FEAR's gameplay, but the storyline isn't all that great and they pretty much feed you all the plotpoints one by one.
Has some good action, though.
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