Best SNES RPG????

I really liked shadowrun, a very underrated rpg imo. No idea how it runs on gp32

cyberpunk rules ;)

Never really into jap rpg's

Off Topic: Now fallout that was awseome rpg ;)
The best snes rpg is definitely Chrono Trigger, hands down. But you shouldnt help people cheat, declaration. Walkthroughs piss me off so fuckin much. just tell me, whats the point of playing an rpg with a walkthrough? Its like reading about the end of a movie before you see it...

Well after that I guess it would be Secret of mana. Then Breath of fire.
Mofokubik posted on Sep 14 2003 at 06:27 PM said:
The best snes rpg is definitely Chrono Trigger, hands down. But you shouldnt help people cheat, declaration. Walkthroughs piss me off so fuckin much. just tell me, whats the point of playing an rpg with a walkthrough? Its like reading about the end of a movie before you see it...
If you get stuck it saves you having to give up.
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I like pretty much all the ones you mention, but some that I really like are tales of phantasia, robotrek, and star ocean. Although I dont think star ocean with be running on gp32 anytime soon.
Mofokubik posted on Sep 14 2003 at 06:27 PM said:
The best snes rpg is definitely Chrono Trigger, hands down. But you shouldnt help people cheat, declaration. Walkthroughs piss me off so fuckin much. just tell me, whats the point of playing an rpg with a walkthrough? Its like reading about the end of a movie before you see it...
i agree with you Mofokubik. I don't like using walkthroughs either. However he was asking questions and providing the link is exactly the same as giving an answer. As it is i found that link because he asked the question and i could not remeber the game itself...... although it was too easy to complete (without a Guide).
Guides can be good if for some reason you get stuck a silly point.... ie:- you cant see a door . It does prevent you from having to quit the game for stupid reasons..... but on the whole i dont like using guides, but i dont want to stop others from doing so.
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Everyone here, I DEMAND that you go play Live-a-Live (Translated)!!!!!

Well, you don't have to....but it is funny how viruses get sent in e-mails.........

In case you haven't guessed, my favorites SNES RPG is Live-a-Live. *Sigh* Me and my weird japenese games no ones ever heard of....*Goes in corner with laptop to play Live-a-Live*
Live A Live is a great example of how Square can make other good RPGs besides Final Fantasy.

Thats from a site :) i hate FF i really really hate it so dont get on my back :P\

But i ust say u should try live a live dont see why they didnt translate it into english :( would of been good

