Best Scene In A Video Game


"Nobody's gay for Moleman"
Dec 13, 2004

Whats your favorite scene in a video game? Mine is the Garden battle in Final Fantasy VIII.

ALSO I WILL ADD, has any scene made you bust a tear? I was close in Chrono Cross when Serge saved little Kid in the past from the burning house, and the end of FFX almost made me bust a tear. And the ending of FFVIII with the Laguna and Raine, i'm a ninny :o
I've played that (Metal Gear Solid) and you're right: it was a great scene with some kickass moves. But my best scene is from Final Fantasy VII when Aeris dies and Cloud puts her body in the lake....very emotional moment :rolleyes:
Let's see...

-Shenmue: Ryo and Nozomi's ride home after she was kidnapped.
-Shenmue II: The entire fourth disk.
-Grandia II: All the people singing together to defeat Valmar.

There are many others, but those are the best.
Unlocking the door to Alvin Atombender's secret lab in Impossible Mission (c64)
Animation AND sampled speech :P

The only time I cried from playing a game was when I did an endurance race in GT. With no breaks. In a darkened room. :blink:
I've thought about it and I think I'll go with, Vampire: The Masquerade; Bloodlines, when you go into the haunted house. That is the scariest shit ever. I almost stopped playing it right there.
knights of the old republic: when you realize who you were.
FFVII: you know where
grandia II: god is dead, there's the sword.
dreamweb: police gun down hero --the end
rescue on fractalus: ...m-monster...banged on windshield...not supposed to happen...
"Best" is rather vague...

Elevator scene in Fear Effect 2. :)

Also, the attack on Megalith on Ace Combat 4... Winds of destiny were flowing outside my plane... :o
The scanning progress screen in DrMD :D Alternatively, the "Death of Praetor Fenix" cutscene from the original StarCraft.
-DOA2: seeing Kasumi naked and jumping around in tight outfits
-Duke rips off Overlord's head and shits down his neck reading the papers while whistling the Duke 3D music
-FF VIII Opening
-Spider-Man the movie: various FMVs
-Sonic transforming into Super Sonic in Sonic Adventure
-Sonic and Shadow become Super Sonic/Shadow and use chaos control after defeating Final Hazard and Shadow falls to the Earth.
-Smith and his clones merge into Mega Smith and Neo getting ready to fight them

Well some that kinda popped into my head, I can't think well now so here are the ones I know for now.
Lynx/Dark Serge running off with Kid in Chrono Cross.

Wait... why am I suddenly being attacked by my own party? :rolleyes:
Lynx/Dark Serge running off with Kid in Chrono Cross.

Wait... why am I suddenly being attacked by my own party? :rolleyes:

Very cool scene. :) I can only thing of one that tops it.

Kain Vs. Raziel in LOK: Defiance. The whole fight, but especially at the end.

"Vae Victus, you bastard."

Raziel++ :D
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