Best Handheld Of E3

IMO, i PSP is way better than the DS. the ds prob will be to much of a hassle to play, and the psp will have 10 times more better games will have. only reason why they chose the ds was because its original, as long as the system has good games the system will suceed. Long live Sony :rolleyes:
i love that they are remaking mario 64 on the ds
i will get both
but that mario game is enough for me to get a ds
Jr2swiss posted on May 26 2004 at 12:01 AM said:
the ds prob will be to much of a hassle to play, and the psp will have 10 times more better games will have.
What? The whole point is that it will be much easier to play, pointing and clicking is much easer than using a joypad, plus it also has a joypad so can be controlled the same way as the PSP, anyway. 10 times more better games?!? Pah! Just like the PS2 has 10 times more better games than the Gamecube ;)? Hahaha! :P
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wow im so jealous of the people in the forums who can gaze into the future and see who succeeded in psp vs. DS.

oh! what, you can't! then stop labelling them.

even though the DS is gonna kick ass IMHO.
Josquius posted on May 26 2004 at 06:04 PM said:
The DS had the best showing at E3 though the PSP probally will be the better and will almost certainly sell better.
I think you may be right there.
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I don't like the design of ds... don't ask me why ;) Im not a sony fanboi...btw

I'll go with the psp, because it'll have great potential and many of my favorite game developers seems to go on with sony.. B) love the design to
Timpas posted on May 26 2004 at 07:43 PM said:
I don't like the design of ds... don't ask me why ;) Im not a sony fanboi...btw

I'll go with the psp, because it'll have great potential and many of my favorite game developers seems to go on with sony.. B) love the design to
yup, it's been said before: "looks like a game and watch"
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The DS design doesn't look too good, the top screen part looks a bit flimsy like it could snap off the bottom 'main section'. I've only seen pictures and film of it though so in reality it could be OK, it does seem kind of...chunky though.

The PSP design doesn't look very good either though, I've seen even less of that though it seems too small and...wrong.
I saw a pic of the DS on the E3 showroom floor and it looked really small and compact. I have to admit though, some of the newspaper pics. make it seen HUGE.
The screens on the DS look too small. Also the reason they probably won is because they fell for the gimmicky part of it, and Sony didn't actually have any real games yet on the PSP.

Nintendo seems to always win these things but look how they end up. The Gamecube won one year and that thing kind of fizzled.
It's a real tough decision on this one.

I know we are talking about the DS here, but before I get into it, I have to say that Nintendo's pre-show and display at E3 was absolutely amazing. Especially compared to last years show.

I actually think Penny-Arcade's comic describes it perfectly, that fact being is both could have shined in a lot more areas. But we still have much more to see.


I mean, it's quite understandable that the DS double screen (see: Game and Watch) could be confusing and poorly demonstrated. On the contrary, however, Nintendo hasn't shown much utilization with it yet; I hope they will be displaying and sharing ideas with it soon.

As for the PSP? Well, aside from the projected extremely short battery life and what we have seen so far with the games (In my opinion, I think in the gaming category, both companies took a hold to this aspect and seem to be doing excellent, balancing this issue out), it seems to be looking great in many dimensions, ones that I shouldn't have to point out.

So it seems like they balance out a bit so far right? Well, that's because we don't have as much information as we should have had at this years E3. Unfortunately, they both could have demonstrated performance a lot in more areas. As I look at the whole picture now, it seems to come to a contest of image and who will court more 3rd party offerings (which Nintendo as failed to do in the past).

I'm quite excited to see how this unfolds.
PSP has devil may cry, viewtiful joe 2, Dynasty warriors, and will have armored core.... Nintendo DS has a grainier Metroid....

The winner for me is clear. :lol: (still getting DS for the new mario sidescroller)
I much prefer the PSP, though I will be getting both. The DS will hold me over until I can get my hands on the PSP.

The reason I much prefer what the PSP has to offer is becauese I am not really a big fan of retro games and graphics. I have all those old machines so I don't need another machine to do the same stuff I already own. I love progress. I love 3D games, and the more amazing looking the better. It's not that I think that graphics overrides gameplay, it's simply a case of immersion. I like to believe what I am playing. I'm generally not into cutesy graphics. I could play Gran Turismo for weeks and the PSP is going to give me this chance on a beautiful widescreen LCD.

The DS will have some great games for it, and I'm sure I will love the Mario game, but as soon as the PSP is launched, the DS will be boxed up and put away into my collection of failed handhelds.

For those who think the touchscreen is going to revolutionize gameplay are in for a dissapointment. PDAs have had touchsreens for ages and plenty of games. The touchscreen doesn't really open up a huge amount of possibilities, though it is a great portable alternative to the mouse. And as far a the double screens; I don't see how that is any better than one big screen? You can display two induvidual views on any screen. Think MarioKart on the SNES. The PSP could make use of half of it's screen with an alternate view and still have a bigger playarea than the DS.

That's just my opinions on the whole thing.
I think a great use for the DS dual screen thing would be to play one game on one screen and have MP3 music on the other. So you could for example play Mario while listening to the Prodigy. However I dont think Nintendo neither has the inclination or the motivation to do such a thing. (It wouldnt be powerful enough and they will still rely on their plinky plonky melodies to save the day).

I'm personally hoping the UMD for PSP will have some limited write access for customising games in music, look & feel etc... I like the fact that with the GP32 you can completely customise (and bastardise?) the games for it (like KOF91, Beats of Rage etc..)

This isnt a bash at Nintendo, it just they have something that could be very innovative, and it'll annoy me no end if they mishandle it. Bottomline is I would love to have something like a portable Nintendo DD64 - if it was marketed right, it could be a winner :)
They are not in full competition though, are they? One looks fairly fragile and costs about £250, while the other will £100 and very robust. So DS will sell to parents on those merits alone. Then with the old nintendo franchises only available on it, that will shift some as well. I basically want a PSP to play my favourite games on the move, and a DS because it will be cheap, play good nintendo titles, and (hopefully) new original content for two screen and stylus input.

I don't think it really matters which is best- they are very different machines, with different good and bad points, different prices etc. There is certainly room for two handheld players (lets face it, nintendo dominating the handheld market has stagnated the market)