Best game to *show off* gp32?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Whats the best looking game (For English audience)? I want to show off the GP32 ;)

GPengine and ScummVM are cool of course, but looking for a particularly fancy looking new game for GP32.

Tomak? GPFight? I know Anastasia/ASR is awesome, but I'm waiting on an English version....

I'm waiting for Kimchi Men and Little Wizards right now..

Showing all the emulators and ports can be impressive, but if you're looking for a native GP32 game to show off, Her Knights is a nice one.
I impress my friends by showing them Scumm (Indiana Jones Game), PC Engine Games, C64 Games, Spectrum Games, Doom, Wolfenstien, Gameboy Colour Games, Snes Games (although a little slow, still look good), SMS Games and a few Mp3's... All on one 128mg Card !!!!
Her Knights is indeed a great game to show off the GP32 with. It looks good, has fantastic animation and also doesn't require alot of reading to play. Well suited to an English audience.
I picked up a 64MB card at first.. wasnt' sure if I would use the GP32 muich at first. Huge mistake :/ Now I need to sell my 64MB and pick up 128MB, and wish they made 256MB SMC cards :)

I'm thinking of splurging bigtime to order some games, to support GP, and show off.. ASR, Her Knights, GP Fight, Tomak Again. I know I can't play ASR much, but I want to look at it and maybe give it a shot, knowing 0 korean :)

Man. GP32 is stealing all my money :)

is it me or does gpfight look like nintendo world cup -

and probably plays like it -- but from the video looks more simplistic in terms of gameplay.

--hmph! I say just get hold of river city ransom for the nes or maybe mystical ninja for the all seems a bit pointless to do such a game - but games such as Radium are the ones we wanna play not some revamped nes beat-em up.

Wish I could be more encouraging for the gp32 commercial games but they just seem like hash-ups of old console games. Though Dark Ring looks good.........
One game i would like is rise of the robots, it was a really cool beatem up, it was made by epic megagames, so i doubt they would port it tho.
think you got yer games mixed up-rise of the robots was not written by epic megagames-and it sucked. are you thinking of 'one must die'?
jlebrech is probably thinking of "One Must Fall 2097" the best beat em up ever made on any platform! Giant robots beating the crap outta eachother in wonderful arenas with a lot of kick-ass music thumping behind... there's something a lot more satisfying in the clang of metal on metal than a spray of fake blood IMO... jeeze now i'm gonna spend all night hunting thru my cds to find my copy!!!

Rise of the robots however looked really nice and had Brian May do the soundtrack... tho is was pretty poor in the gameplay dept.. u couldn't even jump over your opponant!?!?! you had kick, punch and jump and that was it... ick that'll teach me to get a game before tring the demo 1st...
Thats what i meant, that shows you how long i last played the game i cant even remember the name, lol.
AukonDK posted on Mar 17 2003 said:
jlebrech is probably thinking of "One Must Fall 2097" the best beat em up ever made on any platform! Giant robots beating the crap outta eachother in wonderful arenas with a lot of kick-ass music thumping behind... there's something a lot more satisfying in the clang of metal on metal than a spray of fake blood IMO... jeeze now i'm gonna spend all night hunting thru my cds to find my copy!!!

Rise of the robots however looked really nice and had Brian May do the soundtrack... tho is was pretty poor in the gameplay dept.. u couldn't even jump over your opponant!?!?! you had kick, punch and jump and that was it... ick that'll teach me to get a game before tring the demo 1st...
If you don't find it, don't worry - it's released as freeware now!! You can get it on

I loved that game, it was so cool slamming someone up against an electrified cage wall!!
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