What;s your favorite released gp32 game and why? Also, what is coming up in terms of offical gp32 releases? I only have All for Princess, but I'm pretty interested in gpFight as well.
all for princess is my favorite game gpfight is really fun but hard. tomak is ok not bad but not good. Mill is really fun even if its korean. Im waiting for english patch Kimichimen is a erally good sidescroller with excellent graphics. and little wizard is a good fighting game especially with a friend. hope i helped
Pinball Dreams is by far the most well polished and addictive official game available. And it's also a few bucks cheaper than a few of the other "worse" titles.
A must have game for all GP32 owners IMO.
I have not tried out pinbal dreams yet but the demo was a pretty good time. I do like gpfight and tomak alot both are alot of fun. However they both took a little getting used to and I was not a big fan of either at first but they are both really worth playing.