Best Game Ever

1. Sensible World of Soccer (best footy game ever!) - Amiga/PC
2. Ultima 7 - PC
3. Super Mario Bros 3 - NES

How many of you can't count to 3? :P

Props to Timeslip for Last Ninja 2 (though the BBC obviously had the best version!), but Kick Off 2? Pfft.
The WipEout XL arcade game - it was like one of those simulation shuttle rides you sometimes see at the fairground and allowed two people to get inside, one person would drive and one person would control the minigun (two joysticks inside the capsule). The whole thing would move on a hydraulic platform as you steered the craft - truly amazing. Unfortunately the downside was that it cost £4 per game - £2 each for driver and copilot.
hm ok then i'm gonna tell you my favs too:

1.Final Fantasy 8
2.Final Fantasy 7
3.Gran Turismo

1.Vice City
2.Splinter Cell
3.MGS2:Sons of Liberty

1.MGS:Twin Snakes
2.Zelda:Ocarina of Time on Bonus Disk xD


1.Half Life (i still like playing it ... it's so... familiar)
2.Sam&Max,Day of the Tentacle (and all the other Lucas Arts Adventures)
3.Grand Prix 2 =)

1.Golden Sun
2.Mario Kart
3.Tekken Advance

1.Zelda:Ocarina of Time

11. (xD - OOT is untouchable) Lylat Wars (great one)
12. Mario64
13. Mario Party with at least 3 ppl
14. Blast Corps
15. Mario Kart 64

Retro Consoles:
SNES: (more than 3 here cause its MY console ((MY!)) )

1.Secret of Mana
2.Final Fantasy 3 (6)
3.Illusion of Time
4.Chrono Trigger
5.Mario Kart
6.Super Mario
7.Yoshi's Island
8.Turtles in Time
9.Super Soccer
10.Jurassic Park (it rocks!)
....many more i forgot about *sob*

1.Mario 2:Six Golden Coins
2.Tetris (yea)
3.Mario Land

1.Mario Bros 3 (one of the best 8-bitters ever!)
2.Mario 1
3.Mario 2
4.Tetris (yes, again)
5.Nintendo World Cup Soccer (its so funny playing with 4 ppl)

that's it .... hopefully
- Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (SNES) - There are probably better SF games, but this one has the most sentimental value to me. I pretty much wasted the entire first half of 1994 playing it before I got burned out. ^_^

- Samurai Shodown 2 (Neo Geo/Arcade) - The first game was awesome, the second even better. After that they kinda jumped the shark, but I still think SS2 rules it.

- WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain (PS2) - Best create-a-wrestler ever, best story mode ever... I still prefer the less arcadey control system of the N64 Aki wrestling games, but I have to concede that Yukes have surpassed them now. Raw vs Smackdown can't come out quickly enough as far as I'm concerned.

Honorable mentions: WWF No Mercy (N64), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (arcade), The Simpsons (arcade), WWF Wrestlefest (arcade)... and I'm trying to think of something that wasn't a fighting game... Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES). Yes, the second one. Seriously.
1.) KOF 2001 (possibly a phase just got it, i reckong ill go bak to KOF 98 in die time)
2.) Prince Of Persia Sands of Time (its just EXCELLENT)
3.) Shenmue

Honourable Mentions:
Beetle Adventure Racing (N64), Smash Bros. (N64), Blast Corps. (N64), Sonic & Knuckles (Megadrive), Metal Slug X (Neo Geo), Shenmue 2 (DC), Zelda Wind Waker (GC), BG&E (GC), ELECTRONIA (GP32) Cant think of much else
thebluenewt posted on May 18 2004 at 03:40 PM said:
1. Sensible World of Soccer (best footy game ever!) - Amiga/PC
2. Ultima 7 - PC
3. Super Mario Bros 3 - NES

How many of you can't count to 3? :P

Props to Timeslip for Last Ninja 2 (though the BBC obviously had the best version!), but Kick Off 2? Pfft.
The c64 version of Last Ninja 2 was the original and the best. And the music STILL kicks ass

Sensible Soccers not fit to sniff Kick Off 2`s football boots after a match!
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my personal favs:

kings quest 7

torens passage (i think thats what it was called...)

lode runner the legend returns

all playstation final fantasies

all marios 3 and above

all zeldas gameboy/snes and above

zombies ate my neighbors

anything nija turtles

anything double dragon

metal gear solid games


thats about it...
finty101 posted on May 18 2004 at 04:15 PM said:
Sega Rally is one of the besy games ever. IMO.
Bugger forgot about Sega Rally - Best Racing Game Ever
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Fallout 2 (PC)
Civilization : Call to Power (PC)
Frogger (Arcade)
Puzzle Bobble 4 (All versions)
Marble Madness (Arcade)
Wipeout (Playstation)
Maniac Mansion (All versions)
Monkey Island 2 (PC)
Sam & Max (PC)
Starcraft (PC)
Doom 1, 2, Final Doom (PC)
Operation Flashpoint (PC)
Gargoyle's Quest 2 (NES)
Wario's Woods (NES)
Final Fantasy IV (SNES)
Unirally (SNES)
Castlevania IV (SNES)
Saturn Bomberman (Saturn)
Myst (PC)
Riven (PC)
Phantasy Star (Master System)
Thunderforce (Genesis)
... and so many more :lol: