Best Fighting Games


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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HI! what is your favorite fighting/beat 'em up for gp32_console ? mine would probably be beats of rage, streets of rage 3 on gigadrive or street fighter 2 turbo on osnes9x. i like super street fighter 2 better but i'm 2 lazy 2 d/l it and try it out :lol:
There is a huge difference between Beat-em-ups (Songoku, BeatsOfRage, MK:SubZero) and VSfigthers(SoulCalibur, VirtuaFighter, DOA). VSfighters are only fun when played against a human opponent (or they have to be really good) and Beat-em-ups are only fun when played cooperative with someone. You need at least two players to get any fun out of these, I think.

Anyways. My fav is SF2Turbo on SNES followed by MK3 on SNES (Although it doesn't run well on GP32) and SamuraiShowdown on SMS (Which suffers from GFXbugs on Gigadrive).
davey g posted on May 3 2004 at 12:23 PM said:
Her Knights : All for Princess is the best scrolling beat em up on any system.
You haven't played Guardian Heroes, I bet. Now *there* was a great beat-em-up (fast actioney bits, spells, a big golden golem who you could control by scripts, and a strategic - and unique, to my knowledge - method of having three layers (fore, mid, back) that you could jump between, and only hit enemies (or be hit by them) on that layer). If you ever see it and a Saturn for dirt cheap, buy them!

But second to that, I'll go with AFP being the best...
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My favorites are Streets of Rage 2+3 (although I prefare the japanese version of Streets of Rage 3 (Bare Knuckle 3) over the american/euro version), All Golden Axe games, almost all KOF games (and ofcourse the KOF91 engine for the GP32), Streetfighter 2 Turbo, Mortal Kombat 2+3 and Blood Cross Demo (Hope the full version gets released soon!). I also enjoyed the AFP/HK demo alot (even without sound and being slow as hell) so I think I'll buy that someday.
super_furry posted on May 3 2004 at 01:11 PM said:
The original arcade Golden Axe is still my favourite, but Beats of Rage is a close (very close) second.
Dunno if it's the best but it's bloody good. I remeber playing it on mame when I was a kid and at the end all the chars jump out of an the arcade machine on the final animation. I'm sure it was that game, correct me if I'm wrong.
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SF2Turbo on SNES , I used to play that game relentlessly, and thanks to my GP32, I still do...just during school B) Senioritis is kicking into full swing :ph34r:
I think Blood Cross is fantastic. I'm still trying to figure out the moves properly. They should have a practice level where you fight a standstill dummy!