Best Film Of All Time

thebluenewt posted on Jul 30 2004 at 06:33 PM said:
Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 11:12 PM said:
I agree with you there on everything except The Crow, 'cos I haven't seen it. Based on a hasty assumption from your post, though, I'll probably like it.

"A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his finacee's murder."

The Del Monte man, he say yes!
It's very good.

Sadly Brandon Lee was accidently shot dead during filming. :(

The Lee family doesn't have a lot of luck...
Good point. Anyway the first is good, but the sequels are complete shit. I wouldn't recomend City of Angels to my worst enemy, however the third can be enjoyable. It's not a favorite though. The first one is really good. You can relate with the characters well and you actually feel for them a bit.
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I was thinking to myself how can "the best movie of all time" have slipped past me !!! (donnie darko)
I decided to see it and I have to disagree the movie was ok but the last 20 min or so kinda sucked all i can say is I have seen better

"Of All Time" would also include the future? ;)

almost forgot one of my fav movies
The Langoliers and a few others that have already been mentioned
Dumb and dumber.

It had a great story line, It was full of emotion and I could really relate to the characters. Scratch that.... I almost pissed myself from the beginning of the film all the way to the end, It was fucking hilarious. A great perfomance duo from Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels. :lol:

"I hope you're not using the toilet. It's broken!" :lol:

Liar Liar would be my favourite Carrey film if it wasn't for that stupid 'poor neglected, scrawny brat' subplot. I guess my favourite comedy film is one of the Naked Guns. Or Airplane.
thebluenewt posted on Jul 31 2004 at 11:24 PM said:
Jim Carrey's best two films are The Trueman Show and Man on the Moon (which makes me cry, every time :P ), both funny but they have more to them then his other films. Though I like them too.
Agreed, especially since it shows him to be much more than a comedy actor. He really does have skill, especially with Man on the Moon (the likeness is almost uncanny). The Truman Show was just a cool concept anyway. It was done a lot better than edTV was.
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there seems to be a few foreign film fans here. always refreshing to see another Takashi Miike fan too.

Has anyone else seen the korean film Oldboy? amazing film and at the moment my number one. changes regularly. The previous film by the same director (Chan-wook Park) Sympathy For Mr Vengance is also way up there.

here's a wee list of some of my favourite films in no particular order:

Oldboy (blew me away. would recommend, but go in blind. not literally)
Sympathy For Mr. Vengance (depressing but excellent)
Infernal Affairs trilogy (III being my favourite)
Zatoichi (gotta love Takeshi Kitano)
Ichi The Killer (that's some sick shit but good film regardless)
Dead Or Alive trilogy (number two (the birds) being my favourite)
City Of God
Ring (not the trilogy. 2 and 0 were weak)
Man On The Train (excellent character driven film)
Running Out Of Time
Natural City (pretty a korean bladerunner rip-off. highly enjoyable though)
Ong-Bak (wow. the guy in this is on a par with bruce lee! has to be seen)
Drunken Master (early jackie chan. genius!)
Versus (zombies, martial arts, gunplay, yakuza. pure entertainment)

English Language
Punch Drunk Love
Magnolia (bet no-one else agrees though)
The Elephant Man
The Cooler
Dead Man
Mystic River
Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back (hilarious. especially if drunk/stoned)
Happy Gilllmore (adam sandlers best comedy)
Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind
Bad Santa
Beetlejuice (always enjoy it. even after seeing it 20 times)

the list goes on........

two films I would say are over-rated:

Kill Bill Volume 1 - tarantino's strength is his dialogue. not enough of it here. just action that's been seen a million times before in asian cinema. volume two's much better though.

Donnie Darko - great film but doesn't really make that much sense. fairly incoherant. don't think it's fully understood even though everyone has their own understanding of it. no one person could really be said to be correct in their interpretation because that's all it is, an interprataion. you decide what you think of it then you read someone else's opinion and it changes your mind. don't get me wrong, i love the film for that very reason. just think it's over-rated critically. it's more like a peice of art than a film.

bring on all the darko lovers (of which I am one of them) who're gonna tear my over-rated theory to pieces. just remember it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it whether you agree or not :P

and if anyone does comment on it please don't use the "you don't understand it" argument because that's the common come back when you can't think of anything else. be a bit more constructive.
mike5622 posted on Aug 1 2004 at 11:45 PM said:
Donnie Darko - great film but doesn't really make that much sense. fairly incoherant. don't think it's fully understood even though everyone has their own understanding of it. no one person could really be said to be correct in their interpretation because that's all it is, an interprataion. you decide what you think of it then you read someone else's opinion and it changes your mind. don't get me wrong, i love the film for that very reason. just think it's over-rated critically. it's more like a peice of art than a film.
The purpose was to make an art film that would appeal to the American Pie audience. Pretty shallow, I know, but the result was a watchable but thought-provoking and quirky film. It left no real lasting impression on me, though, and I agree with you that it is over-rated.

However, it does have just one interpretation. As I said some posts back you have to read the Philosophy of Time Travel which explains it completely. "But the film-goer won't see that!" you MIGHT cry. Well, the director's cut includes pages from the book inserted between scenes, as well as added scenes, making the film closer to how it was intended to be watched - and it makes sense.

There are of course alternate interpretations, I don't know many, you could see it as a comment on many things. A few loose ends remain untied. But generally it gets wrapped up, which is unfortunate as a film that doesn't answer all of its questions is generally more interesting.
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Rico posted on Aug 2 2004 at 12:38 AM said:
However, it does have just one interpretation. As I said some posts back you have to read the Philosophy of Time Travel which explains it completely
It could be said that it does have just one inerpretation (the one intended by the writer) but from reading through expalnations/faq's after watching the film it doesn't all quite fit within these confines. there's still things that don't make sense in the context of The Philosophy Of Time Travel. Again though that's just relying on other people's interpretations. This time on The Philosphy Of Time Travel. Can't say I've ever read it. But then again how many people who've seen the film have read the full thing........?

feeling in the mood to watch it again now and see what i make of it with a fresh mind. been ages since I watched it. suppose that's one of it's strengths, makes you want to see it again. will wait for the directors cut though :rolleyes:
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Rico posted on Aug 2 2004 at 12:38 AM said:
The purpose was to make an art film that would appeal to the American Pie audience.
I can't say I agree with that. Richard Kelly is only a youngster himself and I imagine he wrote a film that would appeal to himself, whether he likes American Pie or not I don't know... Looks like his next films are going to be just as quirky!

Ong-Bak (wow. the guy in this is on a par with bruce lee! has to be seen)

Best martial arts film I've seen in recent years, some proper fighting. I hate all that crap with wires! I wouldn't say he's quite on a par Bruce Lee but then who is?
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thebluenewt posted on Aug 2 2004 at 10:07 AM said:
Rico posted on Aug 2 2004 at 12:38 AM said:
The purpose was to make an art film that would appeal to the American Pie audience.
I can't say I agree with that. Richard Kelly is only a youngster himself and I imagine he wrote a film that would appeal to himself, whether he likes American Pie or not I don't know... Looks like his next films are going to be just as quirky!
Okay, but certain things stand out - the Smurf discussion, the parties, the sex scene. It was shooting for Hollywood mainstream, not arthouse distribution. It failed, but that's not the point.
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'Proper' List
Seven Samurai
The Hunt for Red October

'Great to watch' List
Evil Dead 2 (or Evil Dead 3 - Army of Darkness)
Flash Gordon
The Labyrinth

'Best of all time' List
Empire Strikes Back