Hahaha! I think the average age of this thread has just gone through the roof!

And I bet the kids play their bleep-beep-boop music to loud too! It just goes thud, thud thump!
There are still nuggets of quality tv, just as there is cheap rubbish piled to fill in when folk don't watch.
And when someone finds a good format watch how many others jump on it and do it to death ...
How many light hearted celebrity comedy quiz shows are there? Since HIGNFY became a success they have sprung up all over and they are cheap as well!
They are clips shows strung together with chatter.
Choice? Early evening weekdays it's just soap on soap on soap :angry:
And this new fad for humanising natural history shows makes me whimper!
Ooops! That turned into a rant more than I expected