Best Film Of All Time

spray posted on Jul 29 2004 at 02:49 PM said:
Boil posted on Jul 28 2004 at 09:46 PM said:
not sure if you quite meant that...


The jap version is better than the American one though.
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Believe me, The Ring stopped me from sleeping in my room for about a month (what with a TV and all)............. <_< I scare easily!! I really gotta see the Japanese one though, that would probably reduce me to a gibbering wreck!
The Ninth gate is really good, I prefer Jonny Depp in roles like that.
P.S they are releasing an americanised version of Ring 2 soon.
Boil posted on Jul 29 2004 at 05:03 PM said:
Believe me, The Ring stopped me from sleeping in my room for about a month (what with a TV and all)............. <_< I scare easily!! I really gotta see the Japanese one though, that would probably reduce me to a gibbering wreck!
The Ninth gate is really good, I prefer Jonny Depp in roles like that.
P.S they are releasing an americanised version of Ring 2 soon.
The jap version is much better IMO i think it has a better sort of eeriness to it i dunno just reckon its better.
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Nah only kidding.

Any one watched Pi? (mathamatic symbol)

That was good.

Fight Club probably does it for me. I loved it. Smashing TV aireals (sp?), threating to kill the worker in the dead-end job to make him feel alive, replacing the safety leaflets in the airplanes, smashing Corporate symbols, genius!
Skop posted on Jul 28 2004 at 08:41 PM said:
ok, answer me this.

In Donnie Darko it said you can go back in time if you go faster than light.

Neither the plane engine (or donnie driving into the tornado) went faster than light, for Donnie and the engine to go back before his girlfriend dies.

So how come they did? I know tornado's spin fast but this is ridiculous. :blink:

Also was Frank the spirit of the dead guy Donnie would kill in the future?
1. You CAN go back in time if you go faster than light, problem is you CAN'T go faster than light. Maybe some stuff can, like tachyons, but due to their ridiculous speed we can't detect them.

2. Donnie Darko might be a film that doesn't settle at the end, but a LOT of things do that. A lot of films have unclear endings; their purpose is to get you thinking, to educate you, to provoke discussion. Thanks to the DVD and website a lot of DD has been explained, but I think the film has too little information to understand it without checking these external sources.

Now for Skop's questions:

3. It wasn't a tornado. It was actually a wormhole, created by Donnie. Basically the only reason the engine hit his house was because it travelled back in time due to some 'corruption' in time. This creates an alternate 'tangent' universe.

Donnie is selected to have basically, super powers like channelling wormholes. You see him doing this in many scenes - they come from the chest and protrude outwards, and are made of water. He can also fly. A wormhole is created and the engine falls into the past. This creates a valid reason for the engine to have gone back in time (instead of a corruption), repairing the corruption and making the alternate universe disappear.

Frank is dead, yep. Donnie shot him in the alternative universe, which is where most of this film is set, but in the regular universe Frank is alive. This is why he is alive at the end, along with 'Gretchen'. Whoever is motivating Frank to help fix the universe is also motivating other characters - you might notice Gretchen asks Donnie about 'going back and replacing bad things with better ones' and all sorts of other things.

But I ramble on and explain badly. My suggestion (if you want this settled in your mind - I checked it within a day of watching the film just to end my confusion):

and then

My new question is simple. If Frank is a legit spirit, why the hell would you show Donnie taking medication and being mentally unstable so much? Just to deliberately screw with the viewer and make him reach an assumption that makes no sense once the ending comes? The only way to explain the ending is with some completely different explanation outlined in 'the Philosophy of Time Travel' which is NEVER fully told in the film. Therefore, the film presents a story that makes no sense until you read some material outside of it, which is pretty lame.
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Actually Donnie Darko's as predictable as a teen romantic comedy compared to Mullholland Drive!

For no apparant reason the characters all become different people half way through. That crazy David Lynch, what are you gonna do with him? ;)
thebluenewt posted on Jul 30 2004 at 04:18 PM said:
Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 02:42 PM said:
They DO!?
Yeah, but he cleverly filled the film with lesbian sex to take your mind off it.
They DID!?

Ill be getting this for some, mmm, mind stimulation...
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Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 01:29 PM said:
1. You CAN go back in time if you go faster than light, problem is you CAN'T go faster than light. Maybe some stuff can, like tachyons, but due to their ridiculous speed we can't detect them.
according to einstein's relativity theory, travelling at the speed of light IS possible, but only with an infinate mass, which IS impossible for anything other than that which does not physically exist (like light)
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I like Pulp Fiction, Scarface, and The Crow. Donnie Darko was good, but really weird it kind of just confused me. Granted I didn't see the first 10 minutes of the movie.
I agree with you there on everything except The Crow, 'cos I haven't seen it. Based on a hasty assumption from your post, though, I'll probably like it.

"A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his finacee's murder."

The Del Monte man, he say yes!
Rico posted on Jul 30 2004 at 11:12 PM said:
I agree with you there on everything except The Crow, 'cos I haven't seen it. Based on a hasty assumption from your post, though, I'll probably like it.

"A man brutally murdered comes back to life as an undead avenger of his and his finacee's murder."

The Del Monte man, he say yes!
It's very good.

Sadly Brandon Lee was accidently shot dead during filming. :(

The Lee family doesn't have a lot of luck...
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