Beanfarmers Gp2x File Copmalation


Dec 2, 2005
Wales, UK
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i will upload it to the archive as soon as i get my registration password lol

its just a lil snapshot of my sd card with everything where it should be for things to work

you will understand when you it see it lol

just a lil thing to help n00bs out coz well im a nice guy

hope u like it also how long should it take to get my password lol
1. it is always good to have newsworthy news in this zone, but dont´t you think that you should post your "news" AFTER the mentioned events have happened?

2. I just hope the contents of your compilation are legal.

3. We´re not in a IRC chatroom. The usage of "words" like "lol", "coz" or "n00bs" are regarded as childish behaviour in these forums.
yes there are no roms, music, vids, or commercal ebooks and its up now have a look and im sorry i learned to type on msn and its just easier to type like this neway
easy? I find it more difficult to spell words incorrectly..... I guess that's a sign that i'm not a teenager in a chatroom acting "cool" (however, I am a teenager). Spelling words incorrectly only makes you look stupid and is very difficult to read for many people (including me). If you have trouble spelling things correctly..... well, you can always go to school.

EDIT: Sorry, I either missed the part about dyslexia above or it wasn't mentioned. I was going on the thought that this was from MSN messenger as it was mentioned in your explanation above. Truly, i'm sorry. I know that dyslexia can be very difficult, I once had a friend with dyslexia. Please try to spell things as correctly as you can.
ever heard of dyslexia

i am dyslexic i find it difficalt to spell things correctly all the time writeing things like u and b insted of you and be is easier for me

and that is what this File Copmalation is all about makeing things easier for people so if u want to flame me on some trival bs like the way i type then go ahead but i dont see how any of this is helping anyone
I edited my post above, please read it.

About the file compilation:
I haven't been able to look at it yet because it is large and takes awhile to download. And I didn't start the download until now :P

Ok, I finished downloading (it didn't take long, i thought that the 186MB in the corner was referring to the file when it's really only 9MB!).

I'm not on my main computer so I don't have my cardreader for my gp2x accessible, so I am just going by the readme and file names.

Complaints about the readme:
The word-wrap looks bad in gedit (i'm sure there's a way to fix this, but i'm new to linux....)
Some of the spelling is incorrect (i expected this ;) )
It says that DRMDx needs to be in the root directory, but I have mine in my games folder and it works fine.....

Things to add:
Rockdodger (homebrew game, check it out)
Tile Match (another homebrew game)
Visual Novel/s (maybe not a good idea size wise......)
Sample video? (just a short, free one)
other stuff :P
Although I have nothing really to add to this thread, wasn't bean farmer one of those games on like a gamefly commercial? You know the one with "lets count sand", "waiting in line" and "Nada III". I believe one of those games was bean farmer.

Anyone know what I am talking about?
Have you happened to check if the authors/porters of these applications say its okay to include in a seperate package? I know it's non-commercial, and your intent is good, but some people get antsy about things like this.

Otherwise, Good deal man. This would be a nice addition for the newcomers as (Even for me) there was a slight learning curve, but I guess the biggest problem would keeping this updated on a regular basis as new versions of these applications come out, but not flooding the archive with new compilations when one dinky game gets updated.