Need Some Explaining...


Still Fresh
Jun 26, 2007
Ok, so I'm a n00b to the GP2X and I admit it! :P ... but I needed some clearification on what my GP2X can actually do... don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE fan of anything electronic and gaming, but as usual, I want more... As i've said in my previous posts, I'm looking to accessorize my GP2x and I came across this nice lil 4-port docking station that had a mouse and keyboard hooked to it.... So with my lil knowledge of the insides of the GP2X, this lil guy can turn into a linux computer with the right accessories? If someone has time or can point me in the right URL direction so I can read up on how to perform this, I would be greatfull... I like my lil guy as a gaming console, but I want to do more....... WiFi, surf, utilities, etc.... tks much.... and sorry for the n00b questions ...
Thanks much!! ..... so here's a question for ya, why would (as an example) the 4 port USB unit have a keyboard and mouse? Just courious... also is it possible then, that when I get this accessory, that I can add a 120GB USB HDD to it and the GP2X will req the HDD when i launch an emu? I know when I go to launch an EMU now, I get (root dir) NAD / SD ... I'm courious as to how it would show up if it would...

Also any good utilities I should get?

Tks again..
iCeD00D said:
Thanks much!! ..... so here's a question for ya, why would (as an example) the 4 port USB unit have a keyboard and mouse? Just courious... also is it possible then, that when I get this accessory, that I can add a 120GB USB HDD to it and the GP2X will req the HDD when i launch an emu? I know when I go to launch an EMU now, I get (root dir) NAD / SD ... I'm courious as to how it would show up if it would...

Also any good utilities I should get?

Tks again..
just make sure that the external hard drive is formatted in fat32, i doubt gp2x can read ntfs... when you do connect it, make sure you enable the usb host from the settings menu
cheers :)
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Tks for the responses guys.. I'll be sure to format the drive Fat32......... also one last question .. as I was googling a good VBA emulator for the GP2X, I came across this YouTube post... notice that the guy's OS mode is Ubuntu ??.. Is this to say that he's modded his GP2x to startup Ubuntu or is this on a SD card......
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Ahhhh ok I'll have to check out the theme section..... tks for the clarification ..
to add some details, it all depends what you are looking for in Linux...

I mean, it already runs linux, you can definitely connect any USB device that has linux drivers written for it.

Mouse and keyboard are supported in some applications, as already mentioned. if all you want is shell access, you can rig up your doc with a serial cable to your PC and ssh to it (so I'm told but I have to go buy a damn serial cable). Or you can install STerm from the archive and use the terminal from within the GP2X (STerm has keyboard support but it's rather buggy for me... although I didn't really play around with it that much)

With some effort, you can also port some linux apps... as mentioned above, some of it is already done with some success (i.e. the GPE env...)