Bbc Micro Port?

It means that I'll be making a BBC Emu for the Zodiac (As it's the easiest to develop for), and then port it over to the GP32 once it's done.

diablo2 posted on Sep 18 2004 at 04:29 AM said:
i wonder if that means what i hope it means
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How about being really obscure and annoying and just writing an emulator for the BBC A? ;)

Some great games from my youth on the BBC B though, Castle Ravenskull, Future Shock, Wizador,

Some less enthralling, however, anyone for Daredevil Denis or a quick game of Castle of Riddles?
Daredevil Dennis is THE reason I want a BBC emu. It might be simple, but combined with the music the BBC produces (not high quality, but very very clear :D) its a truly brilliant game...

There is a version for the C64, but from what I can tell, its a slightly different game from the BBC one. And I couldn't get it to run in Frodo anyway. that was a few builds back though...
Not so sure about the feasibility of Revs on the GP32 tho' - I seem to remember me and me elder brother driving the car together.

Wasn't it one of those simulations that you needed 24 fingers to play successfully? Even working together we couldn't keep the damn car on the track. For that reason the nes version of elite is probably the way to go for space trading nostalgia as the bbc version of this also used plenty of keys.

There were some fantastic unofficial versions of arcade games on the beeb though. I remember playing them and thinking how close it was to playing a real arcade machine. (Mr. Wiz, Snapper, Hopper, Frak, Tapper, Citadel, Crazy Rider, Despatch Rider.... there's basically loads of them)

Don't get me wrong I'm still a spectrum man mostly but for the arcade feel of the games I'd pay money to play a BBC emulator on the GP. And even bigger money for an A3000 emulator (But thats probably impossible - still the acorns are all massively underrated as gaming machines).

Best of luck Squidge - I'll get my paypal account ready :) .

EDIT: Dare Devil Dennis Rules! (okay that might be a bit over enthusiastic but it is a game I'm very nostalgic about ....)
thingley posted on Sep 21 2004 at 05:12 PM said:
Not so sure about the feasibility of Revs on the GP32 tho' - I seem to remember me and me elder brother driving the car together.

Wasn't it one of those simulations that you needed 24 fingers to play successfully? Even working together we couldn't keep the damn car on the track. For that reason the nes version of elite is probably the way to go for space trading nostalgia as the bbc version of this also used plenty of keys.

That was what made it brilliant though - when you first started playing you came last in every race, but with practice you managed to start beating a few people, and eventually you'd get on terms with Max Throttle or whatever his name was (he had a black car).

Then there were the extra tracks - brilliantly realistic. I'm amazed nobody has taken the basic Revs game and simply added background graphics and improved opponents car graphics. The rest of it was damn near perfect, from the fuzzy cars in your rear view mirror to the accelerator/gear change, where you could stall it if you didn't have enough revs. I've never played a racing game as good since...

C'mon Squidge, you know it makes sense!
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I wiil not be moved Dare Devil Denis is CACK! If you are going to be like that a good old game of Acornsoft's Monsters will beat all comers....
Wolfsclaw posted on Oct 10 2004 at 05:35 PM said:
hey horscht did you try the bbc gba emu once?
ich bin zu faul dazu :P sag mal wie der läuft *gg

Why is it bad?

It sounds like it could be the ticket - c'mon someone please pick this up...
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noone said it was bad, Wolfsclaw asked me, if I tested it already.

No, I didn´t test it, because i never had a BBC, the only thing I know about it, is that it is a computer. Also, I´m not very interested in that emulator, since i never saw any games. I just thought I would give you the link, since most of you guys seem to want one.
Sorry, I wasn't sure if Wolfsclaw was suggesting it might be no good, or not...

Thanks for the link - if anyone does port it, give it a try - it had some excellent games.