Batch 2 Release Date

Psst... If we keep this topic at the top of the list, maybe Craig will post in it.
Yea... maybe we could get another totally overoptimistic/unrealistic prediction from him.
I don't think he's ever made any of those. He has a tendency to use qualifiers, and you just interpret it as a prediction, when he strongly indicates it is a guess.
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The second batch should be ready 6-8 weeks after the first batch ships, assuming the part lead times we were quoted 6 months ago are still accurate.
The assembly center is in TX?!? How did I miss that. I live in TX. I suppose my Pandora is going to fly all the way back to the UK before it makes it's way to me? :(
The second batch should be ready 6-8 weeks after the first batch ships, assuming the part lead times we were quoted 6 months ago are still accurate.
Yep, it's hard to tell. Since that financial crisis, manufacturers tend to not stock up stuff.
So for some parts like LCDs, etc., there's a lead time of roughly two months to get them. Depending on how many orders they have and what amount they can produce.
It was better before the crisis, most of the companies piled their stuff up, as they easily sold it. There was a VERY short lead time back then... and we do hope it will become like that again sometime.
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Yea... maybe we could get another totally overoptimistic/unrealistic prediction from him.
I don't think he's ever made any of those. He has a tendency to use qualifiers, and you just interpret it as a prediction, when he strongly indicates it is a guess.
You are joking. Take off those rose-tinted specs.

He said "I'm prepared to say July". If you don't take that as a prediction then I'd like to know what you do call it. And it transpired less than a week later that July was never really realistic. I love the way people here use Craig's 'enthusiasm' and over-emotional tendencies to cover up the fact that he's quite clearly deliberately misleading people so that they don't cancel their orders.
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Yea... maybe we could get another totally overoptimistic/unrealistic prediction from him.

I don't think he's ever made any of those. He has a tendency to use qualifiers, and you just interpret it as a prediction, when he strongly indicates it is a guess.
You are joking. Take off those rose-tinted specs.

He said "I'm prepared to say July". If you don't take that as a prediction then I'd like to know what you do call it. And it transpired less than a week later that July was never really realistic. I love the way people here use Craig's 'enthusiasm' and over-emotional tendencies to cover up the fact that he's quite clearly deliberately misleading people so that they don't cancel their orders.
I suspect we have some precision englisheering going on here, in as much as by the strictest definition of "prediction" - something like:

A prediction is a statement or claim that a particular event will occur in the future in more certain terms than a forecast.

it might be argued that Craig has never made a prediction as such, though our/my personal recollection of the original November/December delivery pred...ahhh...forecast would suggest otherwise. However, by a looser definition such as:

Outside the rigorous context of science, prediction is often confused with informed guess or opinion. A prediction of this kind might be valid if the predictor is a knowledgeable person in the field and is employing sound reasoning and accurate data.

it would seem to me likely that Craig has made several "predictions" in the past which have been at variance with actuality.

Regardless of the precise terminology, it would seem accurate to say that Craig has, more than once, suggested that an approximate date could be met that was not, and that he did so whilst in posession af far more of the facts than any mere customer could glean, so is in a position to appear authorative on the topic. I can only guess at the motivation behind such predic... ah, forecasts, but they appear to happen often enough to raise concerns that they could be a marketing ploy.
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oh dear, again?



*edit: fixed
He said "I'm prepared to say July". If you don't take that as a prediction then I'd like to know what you do call it. And it transpired less than a week later that July was never really realistic. I love the way people here use Craig's 'enthusiasm' and over-emotional tendencies to cover up the fact that he's quite clearly deliberately misleading people so that they don't cancel their orders.

Even if we take the most "good faith" view of things : He said he was prepared to say July. Two hours later he actually said it. There is much rejoicing. Almost immediately afterwards decisions are made that change the release date. NO WORD FROM CRAGIX.

If you tell a kid that he's "probably" going to Disney Land, and then, moments later, you learn that there's no chance at all that he'll be able to go to Disney Land, is it honest to let the kid keep thinking he's going to meet Mickey Mouse?
Edit: Of course, ED came and set us straight. So at least we won't have to start a riot with torches and pitchforks when July 31st comes around.
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I guess it's not too abnormal because Craig is a businessman (I know we all love him a lot and stuff because of his involvement in the community but we should never forget this fact)? Remember when the website first went up and he advertised it as having 1 Gb of RAM? A decent amount of people were a little disappointed that Craig would resort to such marketing techniques and such (it definitely tricked a couple people at least from posts I saw). In Craig's last video, he used another marketing ploy/camera tricks (he keeps the camera down to not show the Pandora's top half) to make the Pandora seem a lot smaller than it actually is when it compared it to the Wiz (caused some uproar at GP32Spain, saying why he couldn't just show the two consoles side by side and let the viewer use his judgment to compare sizes).

Also, Craig lied to us about the funding of the project (for a commercial project, it's not really our business, but like people have said this small project is almost like an investment, so it's relevant to know the backing of the product). They tricked us (or maybe they just used clever wording and walked around the issue) into thinking that everything was funded and stuff. It wasn't until the bank issue, when Craig was afraid of losing the money, that he came clean and admitted that the money was needed to order parts and such. Because of how critical the pre-order money is, Craig naturally as a businessman has to make sure they hold onto as much of that as possible, which he realized was going to be an issue when development wasn't going as fast as he wanted. So, as a businessman, he has to stretch truths and "lie" (or just be over optimisitic?) when he makes estimates (though I think it's gone on long enough now...).

Isn't it funny that he thought case prototyping would last approximately only 1 to 2 weeks (when it's currently lasted 10 times as long, and even longer...)? Well, it's his job to keep people's money in his bank account and eventually give you a product, and considering the whole development cycle and all the lies/misleading and stuff that has happened, he's done a great job at it.

I think the problem is that people need to acknowledge in their minds that Craig is a businessmen (which is perfectly fine occupation and such), which is something that is missed on GP32Spain and why I think so many people hate him over there for that reason. Over here, I think whenever we hear from Craig on video or from his posts, we should see his information in this light. If you want more clear/pure/tranquil information without worrying about stretched truths, listen to EvilDragon for MWeston (I know some might say ED is also a businessman, but not so much as Craig; ED has another job and other priorities, while Craig is all about and all his projects/products).

Sorry if the above is kind of convoluted or confusing sounding. Kinda hard to voice my thoughts on this.
Sorry if the above is kind of convoluted or confusing sounding. Kinda hard to voice my thoughts on this.
It's a tricky subject, trying to discuss this without offending either Craig or anyone who might take umbrage on his behalf.

I suspect rather than just "businessman", a reasonably accurate label might be "marketeer"? That would leave other businessmen (like ED, for example) still "businessmen" but not in marketing. Surely Craig is head of Marketing for OpenPandora, while MWeston and EvilDragon tend to come across more as more level heads - possibly even the "back room boys" that people tend to trust more than the front-men of most businesses. They may have less financially on the line than Craig and so feel less compelled to dissemble.
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I'm really, really sorry - I normally wouldn't respond to such a thing at all, but I am confused here. I seem to recall it being clear from some point prior to the start of the pre-ordering how the pre-order money was to be used (hence why I don't tend to comment on posts like this, because it always struck me as being very much like the GP2X First Edition orders, and I seem to have somehow missed all of the confusion that others seem to have seen :blink: )... How did I manage to understand something that, allegedly, was never even said if "lies" were told? :huh:

Also, I have no recollection of the 1GB of RAM thing that you mentioned - can you please point to a source on this? I was always of the understanding that it was 128MB from the off, which as far as I can remember is what the site said (prior to the whole upgrading to 256MB thing, obviously :P).
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i'm sure poisonedv would have something to say about this.
Yeah, he would probably say:

PoisonedV posted on Feb 26 2009 at 12:34 AM said:


PoisonedV posted on Apr 15 2009 at 09:50 PM said:
Or maybe:
PoisonedV posted on Apr 15 2009 at 04:09 AM said:
looks like its time for another dick waving competition
Edit: By the way, what happened to PV, did he get banned? The boards don't feel the same somehow.
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I'm really, really sorry - I normally wouldn't respond to such a thing at all, but I am confused here. I seem to recall it being clear from some point prior to the start of the pre-ordering how the pre-order money was to be used (hence why I don't tend to comment on posts like this, because it always struck me as being very much like the GP2X First Edition orders, and I seem to have somehow missed all of the confusion that others seem to have seen :blink: "]... How did I manage to understand something that, allegedly, was never even said if "lies" were told? :huh:[/quote]Also, I have no recollection of the 1GB of RAM thing that you mentioned - can you please point to a source on this? I was always of the understanding that it was 128MB from the off, which as far as I can remember is what the site said (prior to the whole upgrading to 256MB thing, obviously :P).

It's okay, no need to apologize. There are tons of posts on this forum and the Pandora development cycle has lasted years, so it's easy to miss a post here and there, etc. Here are a few quotes from Craig that led people to believe that pre-orders weren't funding Pandora development:

craigix posted on Aug 31 2007 at 04:43 PM said:
I'd like to just confirm we are the people funding and making this.
craigix posted on Mar 12 2008 at 09:59 AM said:
The dev costs are covered, just buy one when they are ready smile.gif
craigix posted on Apr 22 2008 at 09:04 AM said:
No one is helping to fund the project outside the people you know to be involved.
And here is the thread when this issue became an "issue":;#entry689691

Also, funny that you say 1GB of RAM, as in 1 GigaBYTE. I said 1 Gb. Notice the lower-cased "b"? That means 1 GigaBIT, and because 8 bits = 1 byte, 1 Gb = 128 MB. I hope I didn't mislead you? Believe it or not, but this sort of marketing technique was used on the OpenPandora website very early on when it went live, and it obviously tricks people (as it tricked you).

BTW, I came across these and just thought they were kind of funny in retrospect:

craigix posted on Aug 12 2008 at 06:02 PM said:
We don't want to do a 'gp2x' on you and take preorders then keep you waiting for a crazy length of time.
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Thanks for your response, Jerry. I think I follow, now.
I must respond to this, though. :P I wasn't tricked - I know the difference between "Gb" and "GB". However, *so* many people write "Gb" or "gb" and actually mean "GB", I tend to end up with this mental "filter" for the former two when I'm reading, and simply thought that the same had happened here. :lol: My apologies for the assumption. (I'm fairly certain you'll have seen what I mean in countless places, though, so hopefully you know what I mean. :lol: )
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