Batch 2 Ordering Is Up

Craig and his team assembles everything now?

I thought ED did some of the work in Germany for those pandoras that got preordered through his shop.

Bah, still, considering almost everything everywhere is made/assambled/built at the People's Republic of China and tragically almost no one seems to be able to give a damn (or can't do anything) about this sad fact, just about their next iphone, shirt, shoes, etc that they absolutely need to live, I don't think how "just" assembling the device on the uk is going to make a difference.

Most of the people that ordered, or will order this device don't need any more encouragement. Just the fact that manufacturing bugs have been squashed, and hardware wise is solid now.
Thats the usual Marketing Speech from Craig which whe know since 2008 (and bevore), this Email should give OP new Customers, its a Comerzial,

Meybe whe must say: The Pandora is Assembled in UK, but the Cases and the Keymate is from China, and the Board from USA..

Made in China/USA Assembled in UK, and LCD Cable Soldered in Deutschland (Germany)
Well, yeah, I solder the LCD cables here and also finish building the units I ship (means: testing them, adjusting L/R-Buttons, etc.)
EvilDragon said:
Well, only thing coming from China are the cases here. Everything else is from US or UK.

Eh? The PCBs (although populated in the US) the Batteries, The screens, The Nubs, The Keymats and AC adaptors are all from the Far East aren't they?
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I thought the boards were also done in China and just populated in USA....

edit: ninja'd :ph34r:
To sum up:
Everything is made in China, the main electrics are put together in America and then the case is clipped together and has a sticker put on it in England. Some Pandora's are then improved in Germany.

Totally deserves a "Made in England" label!
I think that's why it says 'assembled' rather than 'manufactured'
Not having seen the batch 2 order page, but going by this thread's title - if the AV cables are to be 'made in October' and Batch 2 units aren't expected to ship until after October, how come the AV cable is not an option?
I can give you some clues to the URL. It's obviously on, and it's for the pandora but it's private. hope that my lines assisted you :P
You and all other recipients were asked to keep the URL confidential, and I am going to presume that there is a reason for your being asked to do this. Do be careful.
Day 1, back over 600 days ago for first batch preorders was a server sh!tstorm. I've had to deal with Pearl Jam's fanclub for ordering concert tickets at 2PM PST on Sept. 28... Same thing, all the F5ing and bandwidth goes from a faucet of running water to a few drops every 5-10 seconds.

The trick to ordering was just getting the Pandora in the cart and completing the order. It was CHAOS and always is when bandwidth and server loads act randomly.

Putting the link up here was uncalled for when asked NOT to.

Some people's kids I tell ya.

Peace & Pandora,


PS First Pandora in the US, #14