Avi File Help?


Mar 27, 2004
West Mids, England.
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HI, after months of owning a gp32 ive just started to mess around with the .avi movie playing function and im really impressed. the problem is i cant find anywhere online where i can download anything any good to watch, ive got a couple of clips free from entwares site but how do people get the simpsons for example? i have simpsons on dvd so is there anyway of converting the file from the dvd? any links to and .avi sites or info on file conversion would be much appreciated
many thanks.
And make sure you get kazza lite or diet K or whatever, DO NOT use the official version unless you want to fuck up your computer.

Or get winmx or bittorrent.


CUPC4KES posted on May 14 2004 at 06:08 PM said:
cheers but dont you have to pay to use kazaa?
get kazaa lite if you want it, but there aint much gp32 stuff. none that i can find actually.
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if u can even find kazaa lite, its been illegal for a few months now, theyve banned all d/load sites from uploading it, but whatver u do DONT DOWNLOAD KAZAA LITE OFF OF KAZAA, dont ask why just DONT

if u wanna rip from DVD crazeeplayers site has got a guide and if u search the forums a few people have posted their best video compressing amounts
Kazza lite works in a slightly diffrent way now, i believe it comes in the form of a giant patch to install onto the official version.

I thought everyone was using bittorrent now anyway? Kazza is finished isn't it?


craigix posted on May 14 2004 at 10:07 PM said:
Kazza lite works in a slightly diffrent way now, i believe it comes in the form of a giant patch to install onto the official version.

I thought everyone was using bittorrent now anyway? Kazza is finished isn't it?


Yea Kazaa is becomming unpopular. I use Overnet/ Bittorrent :)
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shit! dont use use normal kazaa!?!? i downloaded it all days ago but never installed it.....for gods sake all i want is a couple of spongebob episodes and maybe some ren and stimpy but other than that, thats it.............just the spongebob episode when he he gets the gary the snail medication, or the one where its april fools day,but then squidward plays a big trick on him and makes him cry.
person in england
so dont use normal kazaa?(no ads free!)
The fasttrack network (that Kazaa connects to) is still the biggest single P2P network available, though as many people here might know, the quality of a lot of files is very low. If you want the latest version of kazaa search for K-lite ressurection.

As for bittorent or overnet, yeah they arre good with VERY high speeds, however, once a file gets a bit old finding sources for it is VERY difficult. Personally I prefer using IRC for all my downloading needs


And yeah DO NOT use the official Kazaa client (from Sherman Netwroks) the reason for this is it loads your computer with spy/malware. In addition to doing this it also installs (without prompt) many other full programs that are VERY annoying.
ive been waitng for about half an hour for overnet to connect to the smallest ren and stimpy avi file i cold find. as i could make out its looking about 4 hours to downlaod 56mb, its now 3.15am so i think im going to bed, i hope your all tucked up in bed watching something nice through gpcinema(which is finally free)
i didnt even know people still use kazaa. i use soulseek for music (the ONLY way to go) bittorrent for movies / games / tv shows and i only use kazaa for porn.
Dozer posted on May 16 2004 at 06:35 PM said:
I use kazaa for family guy and mp3s and the odd crack.
Ahhh, good stuff. That's the only reason why I still have Kazaa on my computer...family guy episodes :] Not to mention some dibert ones as well. B)
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ok so through overnet i tried a simpsons episode on sunday which took from about 1pm to 5pm(it was only 38mb) then after i loaded it onto my smc, inserted the smc into my gp32, loaded up gpcinema selected the simpsons file AND.............
nothing happened. i hear ripping dvd's and converting them isnt actually that hard, which i'd rather do than download. anyone got any good advice on this?
cheers guys